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"Receiving" black screen

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By entering any server I play from a few seconds to a few minutes, and then I see a black screen with the word "Receiving" and there's no chance to return to the game. I still hear what's going on in the game and I can still read chat. I saw several people with the same problem in other forums and no one got an answer, so please help.

Thanks in advance.

Edited by blazenek

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I have the exact same issue when logged in, after a few minutes it happens, my account is still active in game getting destroyed by zombies while I can't do a thing.

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I'm having the same issue and it's starting to become a major problem. I can't stay in a game on any server for longer than 10 minutes before getting this.

I thought it might be a battleye problem but none of the usual battleye fixes work (deleting battleye folder and letting steam reinstall it).

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Hey Hey,

This is a very good gamemod for Alpha state, i really enjoy this game and play alot with my brother...

I however also have this issue with Receiving on black screen, and it has come this far that i stopped playing Dayz MOD, i can play for hours and it don't show up, i can play 5mins and it shows up, it's so random and it's getting me killed 90% of the time i get that message.

Mostly im fighting zombies or runing though/around a town when it deside to popup that black screen with: Receiving text.. While that text is up everything is still live on the gameserver, my brother says im just standing there, i even hear zombies hitting me and when i finaly return to screen where i can see whats going on i see the text: Capt.Lykke has been killed!...

I tired following guideline:


Also tried copying the newest version of Battleye into: C:\Users\Jeppe Lykke\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\BattlEye

So anyone can confirm if this is releated to Battleye or if it's Arma issue, DayzMod issue, would really like a fix so i can start playing again...

Edited by jeppelykke

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