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Sweaty (DayZ)

Bad version, server rejectedonction

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Hello guys,

Whenever I try to join a server the game says: 'Bad version, server rejected connection' (not always tho). Can anyone tell me what's wrong with my game?

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im having the same problem as you its soo anoying i cannot get into a single server at all even tho i have the right version >: ( ill keep an eye on this post to see if you get a awnser back :D

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I just realised I can update both Arma 2 OA and DayZ using DayZ Commander, this might solve this issue.

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Well, I updated through DayZCommander, but there is my favorite Server and it is still rejecting me. They run Version 1.62.96063 which I can't find any Information about it

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Try enabling "Replace original ARMA2OA files with beta so Steam works" or just copy the arma2oa.exe from expansion/beta to your game folder.

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This might sound stupid, but where do i put the extracted files of the latest arma 2 oa patch? (i'm afraid of experiencing with files since i messed up gta san andreas)

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