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What is considered off the map?

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I have been running around all around the north side of the map exploring and hunting for Cows,sheep,wild boars and Ect. So I have notices that about after 000 the map is pretty bare. I would assume that would be off the grid and non playable. Can I get an offical ruling on what is off the map. The DayzDB map is cut off and starts with 001. Anyone got a clue about this?

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theres a line you cant miss, the textures of grass stop in a dead line, bordering the map. you can go over it for miles and miles hence why people park thier cars out there.

edit: it was supposed to stop cars from saving if they were un attended for over a day but im not sure if thats working right now

Edited by RayPugh
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It's really obvious where the map ends. There is no more grass and the line is perfectly straight as if someone cut it with a razor blade.

There is no mistaking it when you see it.

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DayZ DB doesn't show the entire map, it cuts off a good portion of the northern section.

When grass disappears and it's nothing but bare rolling hills, you're out of the map. Anything past 000 is out of the map.

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Thanks I have seen it and was just wanting to make sure. The map at Dayzdb.com was throwing me off. At Dayzdb.com/map doesnt seem to show all of the map. Seems like there is a whole line and columns of grids missing or their grid is jacked up.

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Just keep in mind the DayZ DB map isn't the entire map and you'll be fine.

This map here shows the entire thing, as well as the few loot spawns that the DayZ DB map doesn't show because it has some of the north cut off. Personally I like the look of DayZ DB better but this one is still nice.


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