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Need a new Day Z partner

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I need a new Day Z partner.

I'm a sort of experienced player but never really got into many gun fights but I'm an okay shot. I can be serious at times that are needed but I just chill out the other times and I don't really care what age you are because I'm sixteen myself but I'm pretty mature. My friend and I used to play together but he stopped so I'm used to having a partner and I am a pretty good navigator.

I don't know just PM me if you want to team up or something.

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I'll be your partner, I play a lot so you'll catch me on most of the time and I've used many of the weapons and I can fly/drive do many thing just looking for a duo crew and maybe join a squad later

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Im down too, im always on and handy in a fight. Also a hella good survivor.

Steam. DaddyDoja

Skype. Dr.Knockboots

Hollar at me, anyone wanting to partner up.

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