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looking for survivors to team with

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So, I have been playing Dayz for a while, I have survived for a while and Im looking for some people to jump into games with if we both happen to be on at the same time. Heres just a little info about how I operate:

I dont care for pvp. Ill just put that out right off the bat, I defend myself and my gear but I avoid pvp, in my opinion this is an RPG, not a first person shooter. If I wanted to kill other players I would go play COD or ARMA2 not Dayz. A little bandirty is one thing, pvp'ing is something else entirely.

Experience, I know how to play. I know the mechanics Im not new to ARMA2 I play it pretty regularly. I know the map and can navigate with and without compass,map, and gps. I know how to get gear, I know where the different kinds of gear spawn, and Im careful when getting equipment.

I do have a mic but I dont really use it too often, not unwilling to jump on though.

And lastly, Im a mature gamer. Im not a kid, I play for fun and to try and survive as long as possible. I can get upset or mad at things in game sometimes but thats not really too often and its usually only if someone is just trying to grief. In general I try to take it easy and just play.

If your interested in grouping sometime just hit me up on Steam: o WAR1OCK o

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friend request sent dude. Looking to team up as well.

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I will join you. I do not have steam. How do we connect?

The easiest way would be to just download Steam. Its free, has lots of useful features and only takes like 5minutes to make an account. And it will notify you when your friends are online and if they are playing any games.

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I'm going to add you, currently in Elecktro if your near?

Got your invite, accepted. Im actually just north of Green Mountain, but when I jump on Im going to work my way back toward the coast and hook up with a few more people, try to help some guys who added me get geared they are having a hard time.

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do you mind if i were to add you aswell? im currently looking to hook up with people as well.

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Add me on Steam: RINZY

Just recently died because a bandit sniped me, looking for people to play with~

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