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Where is the rage about the RPG-elements ?

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Let's start with a small quote

RPS: Are you going to make the game any harsher than it is already? Can you pile any more problems on players?

Hall: I think it will get more complex. But we have to have a list of priorities. One of the reasons zombies can be challenging is that they are glitchy at the moment, they are challenging because of the glitchiness, and that’s true of some elements of the game, such as getting stuck on stuff, or dying for no reason and so on. We’re looking at changing the complexity of some of the key areas, like the injury system. Right now you have to take some morphine to fix a broken leg, but maybe in the future you will need to do more permanent, perhaps use a splint, or have to find someone with medical expertise.

Ok let's look at the last sentence but wait there's more

RPS: Are you saying you want this to creep into RPG territory, where you’re fleshing out characters with different skill sets?

Hall: Well… We’re very carefully thinking about how to expand the reasons players have to interact positively with each other, because there are lots of reasons in the real world, and so we need to find similar reasons that give players reasons not to shoot each other in the game. One idea we passed around was a sort of social-learning, and, well, we don’t want a point-based system because one of the things that works well in Day Z is that if you are good at some things in real life then you are also good at it in the game. For example, if you can read the stars in real life, then you can read the stars in the game, but perhaps there are socially learned skills that we could introduce, such as your player learning some medical skills because they learned them from someone else. That’s one idea.

Mhh what's this ? Skills in DayZ? now go ahead little kettle and rage.

Source http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2012/08/17/day-z-standalone/

Edited by SirSlayer

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Why would this trigger rage?

What's wrong with skills? Some people are better at some things than other people. That's why RPGs added skills in the first place, right?

It increases diversity and reinforces player cooperation.

Should be cool.

The rage you see on the forum usually comes from people suggesting a class system or talent trees ala WoW. I don't think that's what rocket is referring to here.

So, yeah. No rage.

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Hmm, liked the idea of DayZ being unique in the way that it's completly free-roam.. What's next? The need to have mechanic skills to fix a car? Oh, here's the rage: "omg y no survlv pvp!?!?! i wana shoot dem peeps not learn talent trees and skillzz!!"

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I'm not liking this on bit either but the reality is that we have neither the skill nor the reputation to have earned a place around the discussion table.

As far as I know there isn't really any place in any game ever in which your input is guaranteed to get a response unless there is somebody in the staff who is completely dedicated to interacting with the community.

You should develop your toughts a little more though. Why would an RPG system be bad? How would it break the game? How would it not adress the problems it's supposed to fix or change the game experience in a way which isn't positive?

You're taking it as a given that we should all be pissed off.

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RPG elements in DAyZ. Well atm there is none. Nobody plays this as a survival game. It's all about player killing. I was on a server and people were boasting their -90K humanity in side channel. There is no RPG in DayZ. It is KOS or be KOS'd

even if that means shooting players on the beach. I've been shot MANY times spawning on the beach on many different servers.

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Personally I find the lack of skills refreshing. I don't really see a need for other RPG elements in terms of stats and such like.

I like the fact that Dayz rewards real world common sense for one. Orienteering, navigating using the stars, caution etc

Dayz teaches you as you go along. It's a harsh teacher but every time you die you run over it in your head and think "yeah i see what i did wrong".

I don't like the idea of having to build up skills in order to achieve things in the game. The game can already be frustrating. The difficulty is part of what makes it rewarding, but there is a fine line there.

Gathering the parts to fix a car only to get killed before you get back to the vehicle is pretty harsh. But having to then re-learn the skill AND retrieve the parts? Feels like a step too far to me.

Using the medical example. One of the restrictions of the game is how much you can carry. If you load up with medical supplies you cant carry as much food and ammo etc. These dynamics force people to work together. But you don't have to find a guy with medical skills to form a group with different roles.

I would be open to mechanics that promote this kind of game-play but not skills themselves.

An example might be equipment that takes a slot, say secondary weapon slot, or more space in the backpack which restricts your usefulness in other areas but allows you to switch roles.

RPG elements I would like to see are journals, maybe some sort of note system, things which promote / allow player interaction. Obviously more clothing options (which I know will be in standalone).

Edited by Strategos
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He's saying that it wouldn't be a 'congratulations your medic skill is 60, you can now fix a broken leg' sort of thing.

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Ya I don't see the need for skills but as long as they are very subtitle I think it could be fine. I would like to see a mechanic that allows for more interaction. Not sure what that would be but I think adding some types of items could help.

Being able to post signs/notes/posters. Having items people can setup to mark territory/sightings. I have wanted many times to leave a note in a tent to try and start a communication between random people I have never even seen.

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It's just funny that all these die-hard-core fans (you see waht I did there), wen't full rage on skills in WarZ and people who suggested skills for DayZ.

Now though everyone seems to be convinced it's a great thing....

(Someone in this forum explicitly stated something like this would happen don't know who it was though)

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It's just funny that all these die-hard-core fans (you see waht I did there), wen't full rage on skills in WarZ and people who suggested skills for DayZ.

Now though everyone seems to be convinced it's a great thing....

(Someone in this forum explicitly stated something like this would happen don't know who it was though)

Maybe they are just all back in school?

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Honestly it all depends on how its implemented. I dont care for the direction that WarZ is going with it. So I hope Dean will see the rage we had over that and if he does want to implement skills or whatever, he does so in a different direction.

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Mhh what's this ? Skills in DayZ? now go ahead little kettle and rage.

Why would people rage over someone quoting Rocket when he is essentially thinking out-loud on possible directions for DayZ when answering some quite directed questions? I see nothing at all definite there; in fact I see nothing more than the use of phrases such as 'could' & 'one idea we passed around'. Thats about as certain as me saying 'I could have cold pizza for breakfast' despite the fact there is no pizza in my house.

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But... If there's no pizza in your house, how could you have cold pizza for breakfast then? *head asplodes*

I'm not too stressed yet about those quotes. If he'd said, 'Yes, there will be skills that you grind up to be able to do certain things.' Then there will be rage.

I'm not particularly fond of the idea, but how annoying it is will depend completely on implementation.

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Skills? Fuck that. I hate playing games where my characters are less intelligent than I am.

Now, if the game gets so realistic that I better find an online medical text to fix a torn rotator cuff, then I accept that. But if we're playing SkyrimZ, I'm going to have to wag my finger admonishingly.

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