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Steps to become a "Killing Machine"

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Hey, not sure if this is the correct section but it seemed the most relevant. I'm currently working on a Video (Guide) On how to become geared up the fastest with the best gear in DayZ and to get yourself geared up enough to take on the bandits at the NW Airfield.

From my experiences the top steps to get geared up this way would be:

1. (Spawned) Find the closest barn/factories and locate an axe/gun and grab any food/drink supplies that you can.

2. Make your way to the nearest city Cherno, Electro or Berezino (High to low risk) and grab an alice pack from a supermarket whilst stocking the bag up with food/drink from nearby bars/buildings.

3. If you haven't already, find a map as this will be needed.

4. Stock your bag up with Medical supplies such as 3 Blood bags/2 Morphines from the Hospital.

5. Check the firestations for perhaps an AK or M4.

6. View an online map and make your way from helecoptor spawn to helecoptor spawn (Whilst looting deer stands) This is the best way to locate Ghillie suits/Nightvision and some of the best weapons in the game.

7. Once you've finished gearing up at these helecoptor sites Head to NW Airfield and take on those bandits!

This is how I'd do it.

If you guys had to create "Steps" to become geared up and ready to fight what would your steps be? Is there anything you disagree with or something you'd add onto my guide?




Thanks for all of your advice, I've already made the video ;)

Edited by TGH

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I disagree. My method (works best on sidechat servers):


Locate an axe, double barrel, makarov, and as much ammo as you can carry.

Get to cherno. Climb the tallest building.

Declare yourself the guardian of cherno.

Spot survivors. Ask them questions/riddles.

If they answer correctly. They may pass.

Incorrect or no response, unleash hell from the top of the building until you are out of ammo. Then climb down and axe them.

This gets me tons of laughs as they run from my completely ineffective shooting. If they altf4, I note the name. Next time I see then, I stalk them for a guarenteed kill.

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I disagree. My method (works best on sidechat servers):


Locate an axe, double barrel, makarov, and as much ammo as you can carry.

Get to cherno. Climb the tallest building.

Declare yourself the guardian of cherno.

Spot survivors. Ask them questions/riddles.

If they answer correctly. They may pass.

Incorrect or no response, unleash hell from the top of the building until you are out of ammo. Then climb down and axe them.

This gets me tons of laughs as they run from my completely ineffective shooting. If they altf4, I note the name. Next time I see then, I stalk them for a guarenteed kill.

Hahaha, the guardian of cherno! That one made me laugh but come on.. Seriously? :D

Edited by aYdee

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double barrel

Get to cherno.


In that fantasy world of yours, can i be a princess?

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this is a shit way

spawn in cherno

go get an alice / food /drink / map

go to zeleno, grab one of the bikes. or hop at the white truck spawn west of zeleno then fix it up

start driving along the west forest line and hills

find tent city

become geared out with non shit items / most likely find more vehicles

but ofc your way is "funner"

Edited by Buffjesus

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this is a shit way

spawn in cherno

go get an alice / food /drink / map

go to zeleno, grab one of the bikes. or hop at the white truck spawn west of zeleno then fix it up

start driving along the west forest line and hills

find tent city

become geared out with non shit items / most likely find more vehicles

but ofc your way is "funner"

Hmm. Don't really agree tbh lol. I dont find it too easy to get a bike nowadays and I don't think its guarenteed to find "Camp city" every time. I think my method would be more guarenteed. But that way can work aswell I guess. lol

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Hmm. Don't really agree tbh lol. I dont find it too easy to get a bike nowadays and I don't think its guarenteed to find "Camp city" every time. I think my method would be more guarenteed. But that way can work aswell I guess. lol

it is believe me

ive done it tons of times whenever i hear a helicopter flying over top of me on a new server.

i have control of that chopper by the end of the night

every server has atleast 3-4 tent groupings (like 1-3 tents)

and 1 big city of like 10+

Edited by Buffjesus

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it is believe me

ive done it tons of times whenever i hear a helicopter flying over top of me on a new server.

i have control of that chopper by the end of the night

every server has atleast 3-4 tent groupings (like 1-3 tents)

and 1 big city of like 10+

Haha ok, yeah it can work. But to be the safest you can be and for the AVERAGE person rofl I'd say my way is much more genuine lmao. If you had ultra bad luck like myself, you'd get shot by the helecoptor mini gun STRAIGHT AWAY when they see you on that building.

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Anybody got a more realistic opinion ? :D

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every ghillie / camo clothes item I've found has been from apartment buildings or guard shacks... I wouldnt call them common, but I find them a better place to look for one that a chopper crash (from my experience)... I've found many chopper crashes and I'm yet to find NVGs or clothing at them. (not saying they don't spawn them)

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every ghillie / camo clothes item I've found has been from apartment buildings or guard shacks... I wouldnt call them common, but I find them a better place to look for one that a chopper crash (from my experience)... I've found many chopper crashes and I'm yet to find NVGs or clothing at them. (not saying they don't spawn them)

This is true you're more likley to find them in residential buildings because there is so many of them around. But there is a higher spawn rate at a Helecoptor site for one.

Edited by aYdee

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Looked it up. 0.2% at residential buildings and 2% at a Heli site.

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1: Find a makarov.

2: Run to a likely sniper spot by cherno/elektro.

3: Shoot camper in the head.

4: Loot his shit.

5: Win game.

Edited by Sodanorway
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1: Find a makarov.

2: Run to a likely sniper spot by cherno/elektro.

3: Shoot camper in the head.

4: Loot his shit.

5: Win game.

Haha, I've actually pulled that one off before.

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1: Get as many murders as possible

2: Survive as long as possible

3: Upon death hollar to friend to pick up on coast with vehicle

4: Get shit back or get new shit at camp

5: Repeat 1

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I'd say more like this.

1. Get proficient with the common weapons, and throwing grenades, and M203 launchers in the simulator.

2. Spawn, then locate nearest deer stand to get a decent gun, then hit a city.

3. Sneak up on snipers, take all their gear.

remember, aiming is OP

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I'd say more like this.

1. Get proficient with the common weapons, and throwing grenades, and M203 launchers in the simulator.

2. Spawn, then locate nearest deer stand to get a decent gun, then hit a city.

3. Sneak up on snipers, take all their gear.

remember, aiming is OP

Ooh, I think that first tip is one I should definatley add. Practice with the guns first in ARMA 2 Training because what is the point of getting those guns in DayZ if you suck with them :P Thanks for that!

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Survival RPG game? Nope. KOS FPS game. YES.

Why do people even pretend this is anything but an FPS shooter... with the minor nuisance of zombies thrown in. All zombies do is make it easier top know if another player is nearby.

Oh look zombies spwaned up ahead and we're too far away to spawn them. Someone must be there, lets camp them. Rinse and repeat.

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Survival RPG game? Nope. KOS FPS game. YES.

Why do people even pretend this is anything but an FPS shooter... with the minor nuisance of zombies thrown in. All zombies do is make it easier top know if another player is nearby.

Oh look zombies spwaned up ahead and we're too far away to spawn them. Someone must be there, lets camp them. Rinse and repeat.

It's true. The game was built around PVP.

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every ghillie / camo clothes item I've found has been from apartment buildings or guard shacks... I wouldnt call them common, but I find them a better place to look for one that a chopper crash (from my experience)... I've found many chopper crashes and I'm yet to find NVGs or clothing at them. (not saying they don't spawn them)

Yea ive definitely had more luck finding them in brick buildings and apartments. the other day in cherno i found two ghilles and a camo outfit on my way out of the city. pretty good day there.

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Yea ive definitely had more luck finding them in brick buildings and apartments. the other day in cherno i found two ghilles and a camo outfit on my way out of the city. pretty good day there.

Yeah, apartments seem to be the best tbh.

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Thanks for all of your advice ;) I recently finished the video, Glad I can help some people out :)

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1 - get any gun.

2 - Go to electro sniper hill.

3 - hop until you hear someone sniping.

4 - You have completed DayZ, congrats.

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1 - get any gun.

2 - Go to electro sniper hill.

3 - hop until you hear someone sniping.

4 - You have completed DayZ, congrats.

Yeah you can do that of course :) But I wouldn't consider that "Completing" the game until you've found everything yourself and experienced actually finding the items where they are spawned. Just my opinion :)

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