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Shot some bandit, lost 7 K humanity.

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Sniped some bandit with .50 trying to steal my offroad. Got bandit kill, but went from 3k to 4k -

I wanted to be a "Hero" but ditched the idea since this happened.

Anyone know how humanity on kill is determined?

Also, later same day i got attacked by 2 bandits, shot them both and lost no humanity. Although I had a l85 at that time so it should have given me more humanity loss?

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Other side of the story: "Running around in my hero skin, I found an abandoned offroad. While driving away a gunshot rang out and I got ganked. Hope that camping bandit enjoys the 7,000 humanity he's going to lose for shooting a hero."

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<- has ghillie/camo - doesn't care. I'll kill anyone who crosses my path (who I manage to spot first :P )

lost 30k humanity for killing 2 guys the other day at a camp on a hill on the east border. they'd killed some guy in a ghillie and were looting his tent

so I shot them with my AK and took all their gear = woo thanks for the gps + everything else YO

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Everyone knows the best way to get your humanity up is to kneecap Zs and then bandage them. If your really ambitious administering some blood bags is real effective but I don't recommend this to novices.

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I've got over -700,000 humanity. Who gives a fuck.

Dicks like this these days... I'm sure the people you shot give a fuck or two. But you're an inconsiderate prick hiding behind a computer screen so you don't care.
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Dicks like this these days... I'm sure the people you shot give a fuck or two. But you're an inconsiderate prick hiding behind a computer screen so you don't care.

I guess you were at the end of his trajectory at some point.

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I wanted to be a "Hero" but ditched the idea since this happened.

Haha, some fucking hero, then. Maybe you weren't cut out for the job.

"I was totally going to save Metropolis but then this dude had like a bunch of kryptonite. Or maybe they were limes. I don't know. Fuck it, I'm playing XBOX."

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby
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According to the wiki:

You start with a Humanity of 2500. Killing a Survivor will lower your humanity by the amount of humanity they have.

So taken literally killing an epic bandit should increase your humanity, correct?

Edited by ZlobaRUS54

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Humanity doesn't work at all for me. Resets to Zero when I die, or switch servers. Sometimes goes to -30k humanity...Sigh.

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There are guys on bandit subforum boasting -500K humanity, so if you get one of them your humanity will be *lowered* by the |absolute value| ???

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You want to be a hero or you want to use a fancy skin?

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Sniped some bandit with .50 trying to steal my offroad. Got bandit kill, but went from 3k to 4k -

I wanted to be a "Hero" but ditched the idea since this happened.

Anyone know how humanity on kill is determined?

Also, later same day i got attacked by 2 bandits, shot them both and lost no humanity. Although I had a l85 at that time so it should have given me more humanity loss?

From my experience, whenever you start a new character you start with 0 humanity and a bandit skin. Thats until you log in a second time and your humanity and skin will be as they should.

So I'm guessing you shot a survivor with a bugged bandit skin. I did the same thing. Makes it kinda hard to hunt bandits for +humanity when your not even sure if they are one or not.

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