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You have been kicked : BattlEye Client Not Responding

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I have recently bought Arma 2 CO (Arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead)

I have been having troubles getting on a server and playing on it i have had multiple frozen loading screens but they are fixed all that is happening to me is when i join a server as soon as i get in it says "You have been kicked : BattlEye Client Not Responding" Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease help me, ASAP it would be greatly appreciated!

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You should go to the BattleEye website :http://www.battleye.com/download.html

Download the top 2 dll's, one for client and one for server, then replace the ones already in your arma directory, read the text on the battle eye site, it will tell you the location to put thses files.

This should fix your problem.

Good luck

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You should go to the BattleEye website :http://www.battleye.com/download.html

Download the top 2 dll's, one for client and one for server, then replace the ones already in your arma directory, read the text on the battle eye site, it will tell you the location to put thses files.

This should fix your problem.

Good luck

Tried that doesnt work

Edited by xXLeGiTxScOpEzZ

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Hey all,

I have this problem too, it is very fustrating. I am also launching the game via dayz commander.

My game is installed though steam.

Some times it works and sometimes it does not, I pretty much rage quit befor I find a server that will not boot me.

I was one, AU 19, which worked great, Then the server rebooted at 4:00pm Brisbane time and it would not let me back in on account of battleye beening a so and so.

A fix for this soon would be awesome.


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