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Logging in unconscious?

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Had the same yesterday, logged in this morning and i "died", however i was just lying next to my corpse unconcious, so when i woke up, i just picked everything back up. After this event, i was able to relog like normal, fully concious

Maybe it is worth noting that, just before that, my game bugged out while fillign water, i got stuck jumping trough the floor and back up like a madman.

My friend shot me, i got in shock so i relogged so he could 'drag' me out ( this was the only thign that worked btw), however the 3-hour unconcious everytime i relog started after that and im not to sure that's better than getting stuck.

P.S: the server has nothing to do with it, tried like 7-8 servers yday

Edited by AluCaRdBe

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