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Aussie looking to start a group

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So firstly my name is Noonie 22yrs old and from AUS.

So im currently been playing DayZ for about 2 weeks now and it is great. Unfortunately since i stumbled upon it myself none of my mates play and are not the kind of ppl who will :(. I currently play on a US server and want to join with a few keen aussies to make a grp on a AUS server.

Well i got a few rules well there more like guidlines :)

1. Must be mature, no kids

2. Willing to kill anyone on site except grp members obviously

3. Can play seriously but can also have fun

If anyone is Interested please comment about urself and how to reach you and hopefully talk to you soon :)

P.S I currently dont know wat AUS server to play on due to other ppls preferences so we will sort that out when grp is made

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yea u would fit perfectly in the clan, add me on steam - death_hunter365

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