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Looking for M24

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Im searching for a M24

I have got a m4a1holo, m240, ghillies/camos, gps, the silenced m4 i forgot the exact name ,m107, pp19 silenced,L85,AS50,M9SD and plenty of m203 flare,smoke,he.

If you want to trade and dont see your desired item in the list above just post what you are looking for maybe i found it by now.

Looking forward to trade with you. :)

EDIT: Updated the post new things i look for and new things i got to trade.

For all the guys that wanna see humanity and stuff i got a pic for you.


Edited by Gladox

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I have a nvg i just found today what will you give me for it and i play with another person and i love to snipe so if that gives you any ideas??

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So you want the sniper hmm :) im getting home in about 4-5 hours. I'll send you a message as soon as im ready to trade with you.

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I have NV for you, you can have it. Drop me a PM

Same here as soon as i get home i will pm you.

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Man i cant i live in canada and i gotta go asleep its 3 here hopefully we can do somthin tmrb

Tomorrow i should be online all day just pm me if you still want to trade

EDIT: Trade with Huey went great really nice guy :)

Edited by Gladox

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Antibiotics? I have the NVG and I may be willing to trade.

i dont have any on me but you can get on my server and we´ll find some for you

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I give NVG, and I want a ghillie (wich isn't rare but I dont have one :P) and a m9 silenced (the handpistol right?). With ammo ofcourse.

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since nobody seems to read Edits i´ll just say it again i dont need NVGs anymore thanks for all the offers.

But I´m still searching the SVD and a Range finder.

Update: Got the Rangefinder but now I'm also searching a M24

So this mean I now search for a SVD and a M24

Edited by Gladox

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I got a SVD without ammo i can trade. Would like the M4 holo in return tho. PM me if interested.

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Already got the svd so im just searching for the m24.

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I have an M24 with 2 mags that I dont need,

I'm at the NW AF, willing to trade now or tomorrow in the evening.

Need M107 or AS50 (no mags required), Coyote backpack, L85 AWS, whatever you feel comfortable trading.

I am not a bandit, and I have no intentions of killing whatsoever, and I will not have any snipers covering me, but you are free to have an escort as long as you promise they will not fire unless fired upon them or you.

Contact on Steam - narsil_1

Edited by narsil

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