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I would like it if some form of identification would be added to a players post-mortem inventory.

Ideally, I would have the chat-system greatly revised so that you do not see player names in chat, or via talking on the mic (unless in side-chat, which you should be able to minimize. Forgive me if you can already, I am quite noobish to Arma2's MP). In-game death messages would also have to be removed (although I hear this is a server-side command which is optional)

The ID would be something you would find on a dead player that would be created on death, and would list things like the players name, and potentially their kill-count or other stats. Whether it would take up inventory space (probably not, considering some players may have full inventories) would have to be ironed out.

People have suggested things like journals, diaries that you can write in, maps that show where your player has been. What I am suggesting is stepping-stone between these two. A basic form of ID would be great for PvP as well, giving someone a name without their life story.


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The first thing i'd do if I washed up on a beach with a Makarov, a tin of beans, and a lot of bad things looming around, would be to rip my ID of identifying features off.

I'd love to see the chat system reworked, though, and in fact I believe it IS being worked on. There are some good suggestions floating around here.

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Guest ragequitalready


Edited by ragequitalready

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You can already inspect bodies to get their name and how they died.. except all it says is 'his name was unknown and he died from an unknown cause'. It would be nice if it was finished

It has that for the pigs/cows/etc as well. I wonder when he's gonna get around to updating that. Would solve the OP's problem too I'd think

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