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[OPEN] Extra teammember [mic-only]

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Hey guys,

We are looking for a new member for in our squad, but there are some things you should know before posting. We only want mature people in this squad, this also means that we are not playing all day like most people do (we got jobs and a life as well). We are with 3 peepz now, but we are experienced players and we like some good organised attacks. Further information, we look for mic-users and mostly europeans

Post your skype-name, age and country down below so i can add you to our mainchat.

TheFudge ;D

Edited by TheFudge

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Hi my name is Alex im 25 from Portugal and i've been playing DayZ for roughly 3 weeks. Im serious about the game and i would like to join a small squad to expand my lacking experience. I applyed to several clans, but in all honesty, clan-based play is not really my preference, so given the option i'd rather team with 3-4 close-knit guys then a large disorganized group.

Overall, im in GMT standard timezone, i play weekdays after work [18:00'ish] and weekends, my english is fluent, i got mic and skype, TS3, Vent so on.


*skype - alex.zoig

Edited by Hexa88

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Hi my name is Alex im 25 from Portugal, my english is fluent and im serious about DayZ. I dont really want to join a huge clan, so a small numbers squad would be ideal for my gameplay, im not very experienced mostly because i play solo all the time. Im sure i'll adapt though given the time and practise.

[skype]: alex.zoig


Added. Still lookign for 1 person

Edited by TheFudge
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Skype name is liam-k-94

Age is 18

From UK

Won't be able to play for 2 weeks as I am leaving for Tenerife tomorrow, but when I get back, I will definitely play, I have good survival skills and have good gear.

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hi my name is miguel, i play the dayz mod for quite a wille now mostly alone but i do quite well, atm i have a ghillie suit all of the "trinkets" (exept the damn radio) im using the m4a1 sd cco and the AK 74 kobra, im quite well geared and looking for a good squad or group of friends to play with... im most of the time avalible to play.

my skype name is a bit long but here it is "imaginaqueistoeumnome" (imagine that this is a name in portuguese) if u want me or need me give me a call

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