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US 1040's Colony explodes.

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Snuck into US 1040's "Colony" around 2:30AM CST this morning. Logged in underneath the stairs with a backpack full of satchel charges and a L85 as my main weapon. Heard footsteps all around me. Laid underneath the stairs for a while until the footsteps began to disappate.

Begin placing satchel charges. Place first charge and give it a timer. I add 300 second to the timer. This gives me five minutes to put the other nine satchel charges down. More than enough. Begin inching my way out from underneath the stairs and check my corners. Female runs by door I was near, doesn't see me. Watch her through L85 scope, she walks inside. Move to second floor to continue placing.

As luck would have it all access to second floor except the staircase I took is essentially blocked off. Great, works better for me. Look at surrounding location with L85. I see a sniper north of the factory on a hill, hope he didn't see me. Continue crawling around placing charges. After sixth charge is placed hear a bullet near me. At this point I believe the sniper's seen me. I hurridely plant the last four charges and set the timer on the last one for 30 seconds. This way even if I die, the whole thing explodes anyways. Run towards the stair case I entered from and out the back door to hopefully go under the fence.

My exit's blocked. I could log out but I wouldn't get to experience the explosion. I take cover behind one of the buildings and the timer goes off. Whole place is leveled instantly. Hear player screams (got some survivors). Hear a female character still screaming after the explosion, begin checking area around the explosion. Find her behind a broken pillar. She unloads into me as I unload into her. Kill her, left with 2000 blood. Bandage myself, laugh at the destruction and loot her body. Nothing good on her except for gear I already had. Bury body so any survivors can't recover it.

Admin bans three players for "Bombs" and "teleportation" (Angry much?) Last I checked it's not against the rules to ban people for using a legitimate item and tactic to destroy your stuff.. Looking forward to sending in another one of my clan members to continue to wreak havoc upon the admin abusing idiots.

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So let me get it straight...

You ghosted on to this server just so you could destroy the building these guys were using as a base to help people with a bunch of really rare items such as satchel charges (I have yet to find a single one in two months of playing) and not only managed to kill a bunch of innocent people but also got the admin so flustered that they banned some other innocents as well?

And this is supposed to be what?

Funny? Sad? Trolling?

I'm sure you had a lot of fun, but you are nothing but a poor soul who has no better way of enjoying himself other than ruining someone's else efforts.

DayZ is clearly not for you. There's nothing in what you did that can be even be remotely considered as surviving.

Please do this community a favor and either rethink the way you play this mod or go play something else.

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logged in under stairs? So you ghosted? Or did u sneak into the compound in the server?

If you did ghost, your a fukin homo. In here talking shit. Hero

[user warned, -Max]

Edited by Max Planck
Homophobic slurs
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Deathcall, you're in the Bandit subforum. Survivor land is two stops back. After playing for 500 hours on this mod since a bit after it's release, it's getting stale. I targeted the 1040 admins because they've killed/banned random people that I know over time, and there's constant pictures/videos on their thread of them kicking/banning people for reasons they're not supposed to be banning people for.

So I blew up their camp, as that was the only sound and logical explanation.

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Pretty epic, except for the part where it sounds like you snuck into their base in the middle of the night when no one was around so you wouldn't have to do it when they were on guard. If this was actually the case I understand an admin jumping to the conclusion that a hacker spawned bombs over their base given they didn't see anyone sneak in (because no one did).

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Pretty epic, except for the part where it sounds like you snuck into their base in the middle of the night when no one was around so you wouldn't have to do it when they were on guard. If this was actually the case I understand an admin jumping to the conclusion that a hacker spawned bombs over their base given they didn't see anyone sneak in (because no one did).

It would be pretty hard for me to sneak in alone during the day. Perhaps if more of my group were on we could have waged a siege against the compound. We probably will in the future anyways.

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It would be pretty hard for me to sneak in alone during the day. Perhaps if more of my group were on we could have waged a siege against the compound. We probably will in the future anyways.

I'm all for laying waste to a camp, especially if its one owned by admins that are being bullies.....but not at night when their backs are turned. Kind of a catch 22 though as a successful full frontal assault would probably lead to a server restart/possible kicking/banning before you get to set off the fireworks.

Edited by WG6

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This isn't related to the bandit/survivor dichotomy.

This is about you going in that building using what some call an exploit (some) and leveling the place just because you were angry at them for some reason.

There's no point to what you did other than annoying these guys. If there was abuse of their admin powers, there's a report system (doesn't matter how effective it is) in the forums.

All in all, I could have at least respected your actions if you hadn't ghosted in. Even betrayal would have been better.

Right now, what you did is on par with sniping fresh-spawns on the coast... IMHO anyway.

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I'm all for laying waste to a camp, especially if its one owned by admins that are being bullies.....but not at night when their backs are turned. Kind of a catch 22 though as a successful full frontal assault would probably lead to a server restart/possible kicking/banning before you get to set off the fireworks.

Just for the record, there was at least six guys inside the compound when I blew it up. The bodies I checked each had NVG's and other decent loot on them. So while I didn't do it at their peak hours, there was a good chance of me dying to one of the roamers. Besides the sniper on the hillside was shooting at me even after the explosion. Hell, there could have even been other snipers on the rest of the hilltops that I didn't see in the thermal scope.

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Ignore the survivor whos butt is aching from pain and humiliation. He's mad for the wrong reasons and not for the right. He should be mad you ghosted, not because you blew up a school for the mentally challenged. 6 vs 1 I think that's an accomplishment, even if it was ghosting. However you shouldn't have ghosted, other than that, cool story.

Edited by Sammy101
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Hmm, almost a bean-worthy story, except for the part about ghosting in from another server, If they didn't have enough guards posted to stop you sneaking in, that's their problem, but ghosting is just cheating by another name, and if you have to cheat to win, then you shouldn't be playing.

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Hmm, almost a bean-worthy story, except for the part about ghosting in from another server, If they didn't have enough guards posted to stop you sneaking in, that's their problem, but ghosting is just cheating by another name, and if you have to cheat to win, then you shouldn't be playing.

hey everything is valid in this game... even hacking and cheating

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I did the same thing, LOL, BUt i took their V3s that was stationed in front by the gate, and the first person only thing made it very hard to back that thing up, but I got away with it, once I knew I was safe, I looked inside and cried a little, shittiest loot fo the amount of effort i put in, so i blew it up. :P I think they came to my server and took our vehicles and blew em up, but I had alot of fun doing it, we just leave our shit chillin atm since we only have 15 members, good post man. love killing dem survivors for dos beans and what not

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So let me get it straight...

You ghosted on to this server just so you could destroy the building these guys were using as a base to help people with a bunch of really rare items such as satchel charges (I have yet to find a single one in two months of playing) and not only managed to kill a bunch of innocent people but also got the admin so flustered that they banned some other innocents as well?

And this is supposed to be what?

Funny? Sad? Trolling?

I'm sure you had a lot of fun, but you are nothing but a poor soul who has no better way of enjoying himself other than ruining someone's else efforts.

DayZ is clearly not for you. There's nothing in what you did that can be even be remotely considered as surviving.

Please do this community a favor and either rethink the way you play this mod or go play something else.

Umad survivor?

@ WG6: would you sneak into a base when you know the whole team is on guard, or wait for them to be somewhere else / occupied with something else? Take a few minutes to think about that.

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Umad survivor?

@ WG6: would you sneak into a base when you know the whole team is on guard, or wait for them to be somewhere else / occupied with something else? Take a few minutes to think about that.

he didnt 'sneak in'...he ghosted...its weak..

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Umad survivor?

@ WG6: would you sneak into a base when you know the whole team is on guard, or wait for them to be somewhere else / occupied with something else? Take a few minutes to think about that.

If it were a real life situation of course I wait for them to leave or whatever, but server hopping to sneak into somewhere =/= waiting until they're occupied. The actions were justified, the means were unfair.

I still would have loved to have seen it though. :P

Edited by WG6

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umg u ghosted 0/10 qq

Nah but i enjoyed the story, the more havoc wreaked the more interesting the game is, regardless if its hackers, ghosters or "bandits". +1

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Survivors are getting all butthurt! who cares, this is a game about surviving and if that means taking out enemy shit to stay alive then so be it!

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Don't worry guys this "colony" is on a few hacker forums and they are regularly bombing it down to the ground with a LONG list of GUIDs.

It's well known and documented that these guys on 1040 are hacking and also admin abusing their server. They have guys in the hills invisible using ESP and teleporting watching the camp a good part of the day.

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Snuck into US 1040's "Colony" around 2:30AM CST this morning. Logged in underneath the stairs with a backpack full of satchel charges and a L85 as my main weapon. Heard footsteps all around me. Laid underneath the stairs for a while until the footsteps began to disappate.

Begin placing satchel charges. Place first charge and give it a timer. I add 300 second to the timer. This gives me five minutes to put the other nine satchel charges down. More than enough. Begin inching my way out from underneath the stairs and check my corners. Female runs by door I was near, doesn't see me. Watch her through L85 scope, she walks inside. Move to second floor to continue placing.

As luck would have it all access to second floor except the staircase I took is essentially blocked off. Great, works better for me. Look at surrounding location with L85. I see a sniper north of the factory on a hill, hope he didn't see me. Continue crawling around placing charges. After sixth charge is placed hear a bullet near me. At this point I believe the sniper's seen me. I hurridely plant the last four charges and set the timer on the last one for 30 seconds. This way even if I die, the whole thing explodes anyways. Run towards the stair case I entered from and out the back door to hopefully go under the fence.

My exit's blocked. I could log out but I wouldn't get to experience the explosion. I take cover behind one of the buildings and the timer goes off. Whole place is leveled instantly. Hear player screams (got some survivors). Hear a female character still screaming after the explosion, begin checking area around the explosion. Find her behind a broken pillar. She unloads into me as I unload into her. Kill her, left with 2000 blood. Bandage myself, laugh at the destruction and loot her body. Nothing good on her except for gear I already had. Bury body so any survivors can't recover it.

Admin bans three players for "Bombs" and "teleportation" (Angry much?) Last I checked it's not against the rules to ban people for using a LEGITIMATE item and tactic to destroy your stuff.. Looking forward to sending in another one of my clan members to continue to wreak havoc upon the admin abusing idiots.

Let's take a look at that word "legitimate" for a second. You knew the location due to forums, You "ghosted" into their base using another server, had 10 satchel charges (cough) DUPE (cough). Need i say anymore. I'm a bandit and even i think this is just a sad case of butthurt revenge.

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So let me get it straight...

You ghosted on to this server just so you could destroy the building these guys were using as a base to help people with a bunch of really rare items such as satchel charges (I have yet to find a single one in two months of playing) and not only managed to kill a bunch of innocent people but also got the admin so flustered that they banned some other innocents as well?

And this is supposed to be what?

Funny? Sad? Trolling?

I'm sure you had a lot of fun, but you are nothing but a poor soul who has no better way of enjoying himself other than ruining someone's else efforts.

DayZ is clearly not for you. There's nothing in what you did that can be even be remotely considered as surviving.

Please do this community a favor and either rethink the way you play this mod or go play something else.

Umm, this is what bandits do.

Get used to it, because they're not going anywhere.

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Why is their server immune to the rules? I tried creating a server reporting thread on them showing their admin abuse, including videos of them doing the same things to other people yet the thread didn't get listed?

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