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Graphics Glitches ( artifacts)

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Hey Guys

I know this subject has been beaten to death but ive trolled through the forum and have yet to see if someone has actually come up with a solution .

in the past there was an altered file or changing a value to 10000 that fixed the issue .

The Shift - Flush does not work ive tried and ive tried

Has anyone come up with a solution to stop this issue..........

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it is : left "shift" plus the minus sign "-" on the number pad. Press them together and then just type "flush" without the quotes.

You will not be able to see what you type !

When doing the left shift and - , an invisible console opens up and you can type flush.

Try it again, your screen should go black and some text apears saying it is flushing

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yesterday i had the atifacts at the army tents at berenzino, the atifacts showed and i did the flush thingy, all was fine and i was able to loot the tens without any artifacts.

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I have a temporal solution to offer as well if anyone reads these anymore.

When I last encountered the artifacts sneaking up to Green Mountain I messed around with the graphics settings with no results until I changed both my 3d resolution and UI resolution to the same. Normally I keep the UI on higher resolution.

If anyone else got this working I'd like to know!

Edited by HorribleGoat

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it is : left "shift" plus the minus sign "-" on the number pad. Press them together and then just type "flush" without the quotes.

You will not be able to see what you type !

When doing the left shift and - , an invisible console opens up and you can type flush.

Try it again, your screen should go black and some text apears saying it is flushing

Yeah I tried that it doesn't work. Any other suggestions

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I can usually fix it by changing the 3D resolution in my graphics settings to something different, then reverting back. I've also heard changing your video memory fixes it.

If all else fails, restarting the game always seems to work.

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Changing your videomemory to "default" worked for most of my friends and myself. I never tried other stuff. And if setting to default didn´t help just set it back to "normal" and look if it is still there. Most of the times it works.

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The act of changing the setting seems to be what fixes the problem, not the actual choice of settings. Once you change something, just return to your preferred configuration.

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