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Hackers in DE #30

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Hi guys,

yesterday we played in DE #30 server. At the first our team were hunting bandits close to Elektro, then we moved west by the coast line to hunt some more. It was strange to find lots of bodies with very good loot and it was not looted...

Me and mi firend where runing by coast line in the forest when i saw a dude, that apeared from no where like 10m from us. He was with shemag, had no gun and no backpack. He sed „Please shoot me shoot me“. We thought the dude was lost and couldnt respwn. So my mate shot him with L thermo, he didnt die, then i ran up tu him and shot him to head with M9SD. At that moment he disappeared, and seconds later i was shot to my back...my friend DC as he saw what happend.

My other half of the team at the same moment where shot or axed at the same moment from behind by some guys who apeared from no where...Before death they where insulted in russian language - „Time to disconenct, lox! [fucker]“.

They had no name tags... thats the worst thing, my friend was running fraps but i cant tell at the moment did he get anything on it.

May be checking the server logs will help.

Thank you,

good luck

Edited by Uno

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