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Looking for people to team up with!!

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Besides playing DayZ with my boyfriend, I barely play with anyone and everyone I see, they shoot me <_< ...Looking for some people that wanna stick together and have fun! Add me on skype or steam if you wanna team up. :thumbsup:

skype: lisadayz

steam: Mvpchick23

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I have a group of 4 looking for a few more too play with, but you gotta get rid of that boyfreind first ;)

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Nah, Its been 4 years bro. Dont think thats gonna happen. Its cute your trying to be flirty on a forum. Keep it up bud. ;)

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Mergh, I'll add you, none of my firends are online at the moment...

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I've just teamed up with a guy named Famous 123 yesterday after he put a post on the forum. Currently there is only me and him but we had a blast teaming up yesterday and made some real progress which I haven't been able to do solo (we have a camp / ghillie suits etc). We're currently in the NW quarter of the map and were thinking of maybe getting some vehicles together, extending the camp we're looking to add any one who wants to team up so if yourself and xlevel23 or anyone else reading this would fancy joining up that would be great.

I'm from the UK so will be on at odd times for you guys in the States but Famous123 is from the US so he might be on at a more sensible hour :)

Heres the original post so you can get in touch with Famous to: http://dayzmod.com/f...ia/#entry708840

Please drop a message to me or Famous if I forgot anything. Hope to speak to you soon!



My SteamID: AlexHoss

Edited by AlexHoss

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Looking to group with anyone really.

age- 22

loadout- AKM, nothing much else

Server- any

Location- cherno

Steam- dperson1990

skype- davemcpwncakes

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Were usually on around the same time. Her's tends to lag a bit though. Feel free to add me too guys. I met a few good people last night with my post. Its nice to actually have some people to play with that dont shoot you in the back when your not looking.

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