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Bandits Wanted

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Hello I am an admin on US1180. There are two clans who play on this server, my own .:vVv:. and SLF and rather sadly... we have become friends. This has me rather bored. Having close to a dozen friendlies around makes the game far less tense. So personally, I want some bandits around. We all have excellent gear (I for one am running around with a M4 SD and an SVD camo) so there is your motivation for shooting us. We have just grown a bit complacent as of late and need some competition.

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You will all die in 3 hours. You choose the spot, I will watch this forum for a reply. See you soon >:).. Aussie wrath will rain upon you, bitch.

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i'll make a few calls lets do this. oh and watch your back you never know you may have a hachet in it lol ;)

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i'll make a few calls lets do this. oh and watch your back you never know you may have a hachet in it lol ;)

I play with around 10 - 15 mates. We all have fn fal pvs, m14cco and as50s at our camp. as well as 2 busses and a few offroads.

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I figure I will step in here as the representative of <SLF> and say. Bring it on bandit scum. The Survivors Liberation Force is in Charnerus to root out bandits and judge them for their crimes. Innocent survivors will of course be let be, and even helped, but a single witnessed bandit act, or an obvious bandit status. Will earn the perpetrator a swift death.

((Off the record, fuck you MOTOCROSS, none of us died in three hours, We have more vehicles than you, including the Helo. Your a punk bitch. I know because if you weren't you would have been on the server last night when we were waiting for a challenge. You want a place, how about place and time. Cherno, 8pm Eastern. I will make you a deal, if you can stay in Cherno on our server from 9pm till 11pm without dying, Ill let you have the chopper.))

*Ehem* Consider yourselves challenged, and I look forward to the upcoming competition. (Should be fun)

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What all does your server have turned on? Third person? Nametags? Map markers? The first one I prefer, but the second two just make true banditry pointless, which is why I ask.

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What all does your server have turned on? Third person? Nametags? Map markers? The first one I prefer, but the second two just make true banditry pointless, which is why I ask.

Third person is just as bad as nametags.Both have advantages for using. So you know, your statement is a bit moronic. Map markers? Sure, pointless. This is also what we call hypocrisy, sort of. ;)

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Third person is just as bad as nametags.Both have advantages for using. So you know, your statement is a bit moronic. Map markers? Sure, pointless. This is also what we call hypocrisy, sort of. ;)

uhh not really. third person you still have to actually see the person, nametags you can get lucky and point in their direction. map markers are hardly pointless, if a player is within line of sight they pop up on the map. both take all the skill out of hunting a player, and while some people may claim that third person does this as well, i disagree. but that's a discussion for another topic, i'd say.

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LOL. you say bandits wanted but you guys script. You fix up the chopper on skolisty and fill if FULLY with no jerry cans on your body? Then you magically appear on the peninsula with a full set of gear? GOGO KAISER YEA. we also were trying to fix that chopper up. fully broken 10 mins before we decided to check back on it. In that time there's no way you could have repaired and filled it ;)

Edited by thebigpod

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Now you go invisible and shoot me hahaahaha. Then you slay our squad mate. SO GOOD GAIS YOU SHOULD STREAM YOUR SKILLS ;). Also I saw you guys spawn that truck on the island as well. Since the two dudes on the island were counting down from 10 in what i think was an attempt to slay me I did not get a ss off but you guys are hilarious :)

Edited by thebigpod

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There were some scripters on the server earlier but they were dealt with. That was not us.

It was SLF. which is us so i lied.

Fixed :thumbsup:

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But it was slf kaiser. The dude who posted above. Which makes this thread more and more comical. Don't bother tryin to defend him. Regardless me and my buds enjoyed blowin up your chopper only to see it most likely get restored by the reset two minutes after we were slayed and i was invis killed by kaiser :). Your server has nametags so don't bother tryin to say it couldn't have been him :). BAI NOW ENJOY HACKIN

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Got to love how the hackers he just globally banned come here and try to accuse us of the things they just got banned for.

the amusing thing is.. WE have the video and sreenshots of them not only using a magnet script to pull vehicles.. backpacks and an assortment of goodies to the island.. we ALSO have screens of thier dead bodies.. names linked to their bodies through the inspect command with thier backpacks showing the G36sd which was clearly a hacked weapon.

video of these players teleporting to the island.. oh.. and when you finally got the chopper to lift off.. us sniping the driver and the other 3 dying in the crashing inferno.

enjoy your global ban.. the evidence has been submitted and it will stick.

and PS.. rocker is NOT SLF.. hes vVv.. one of the server admins.

bandits of skill we welcome your challange.

Script kiddies.. well lets just say of the 15+ regulars.. 6 of them have recording software.. and all of us LOVE takeing screenshots.

come in here hacking.. and get caught.. expect a global hive ban from DayZ.

Get caught playing in a group WITH hackers.. expect a local ban.

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Hello I am an admin on US1180. There are two clans who play on this server, my own .:vVv:. and SLF and rather sadly... we have become friends. This has me rather bored. Having close to a dozen friendlies around makes the game far less tense. So personally, I want some bandits around. We all have excellent gear (I for one am running around with a M4 SD and an SVD camo) so there is your motivation for shooting us. We have just grown a bit complacent as of late and need some competition.

oh here we go... this gonna be fun

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If my ping is lower than 200 I'm coming in, been praying for some action. Sure my mk mod, SVD, satchel charges + my natural raw talent and good looks will give you guys a run for your money.

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Yes SLF has at least one hacker. I suspected it was Kaiser. They know where everyone is on the map and typically send their chopper after you immediately after you join the server. Dont bother blowing it up, they will just repair it immediately. spend your time on a less hypocritical server.

and P.S.

They say they are a friendly clan, dont believe that for a second. they shoot on site.

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so why dont you just shoot your "friends" in the back? that will indeed start some trouble. im just sick of everyone asking for trouble and when they get it they whine...

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