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My first Human kill (and murder), followed by a suicidal rage against the world.

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I killed and murdered my first human tonight. I was walking through the plains when I saw some idiot throwing road flares everywhere. I didn't see a weapon but I wasn't taking chances. He didn't spot me because it was pitch black and I was in a Ghillie Suit. I centered my Ak-74 Kobra on him and unloaded.

He survived my first volley somehow, full health and a few missed bullets maybe. I then ran up to him and finished the job. (Humans are tough, good to know.) I checked his body. Found no weapons, just basic supplies. I then saw my murder count rise to 1. I killed an unarmed man.

I was astonished, and then I was angry. He had no supplies, nothing of worth to me. His death did not help me in anyway, and he was unarmed, thereore in vain. Plus I could have forced him to use a blood bag I had on me to heal me. Damnit.

Something snapped inside of me as I was looting the medic hospital nearby. I threw numerous flares, and started shooting the zombies, rather than stealthing through them. After I massacred the camp and found very little of worth, I left.

I ran into Cherno, and completely blowing off subtlety, I donned a chemlight and ran through the town looting. Understandbly, zombies followed. I unloaded many bullets into them, but I kept getting hurt, eventually to the point of near blindedness. Then I saw the graphic glitch in center town, and was REALLY blinded. I found no matches, which I desperately needed to cook meat to eat, and knowing that I screwed an innocent person/blood bag administer, I just started running through the town shooting zombies. I took out my backup shotgun, unloaded every slug. Then I took my M9117, and unloaded that too. Then, I got out my Ak-74 Kobra, and with 5 clips, kept shooting every zombie fucker in town till they knocked me out and ate my stomach.

Long story short, I lost my shit after killing my first man.

It was FUN!

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Wait how did you carry 5 guns+ammo?

Edited by XOLiD
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Wait how did you carry 5 guns?

3 guns.. ak kobra, killed some shit, got out shotty, wasted slugs, got out m19 wasted ammo and then got kobra back out.

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cool story man, anyone who doesn't get it... Doesn't deserve to actually play DayZ.

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I have yet to kill someone,

Ive been playing for about a week and i dont know when its going to happen. Ive been shot at 3 times without warning, one time which i was killed. I "mysteriously" dropped to the ground dead once and one time i had the pleasure of visiting the thunderdome to be killed by a nice man in a gilly suit with a giant gun.

I havent actually seen many people in game yet mostly because i like to stealth in at night time. One encounter i saw a guy who was bleeding, and he said "hi" on voice so i killed the zombies trying to violate him. I was so confused by my first human contact that i didnt concentrate and got "rear admiralled" by a dirty looking zombie with a hat.

My other strange contact was when music started getting closer to me whilst hiding in a barn in the pitch black. A guy in a gilly suit dashed up the stairs and round the corner, i didnt shoot, then on my screen it said "backpack removed" and then he said "urs" in text on the screen. I thought he was a hacker so i disconnected quickly but it actually ended up with dayz crashing out to windows

When i reconnected everything was in order.

I feel bad now, i didnt want to be cowardly, i just didnt want my shit hacked or another lame death from a script kiddie. My first few hrs of dayz was filled with ridicuouls amounts of hacking from other players which at first i didnt even know about till reading stuff on the net. That would explain why im dancing all the time and flying into the air and visiting thunderdomes. The games obviously too hard for them without scripts.

If im going to kill someone in dayz id like to kill someone like that first.

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Oh sorry i thought i found the "new player discussion" forum. I must have stumbled on the "get replies from cockheads" section

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Oh sorry i thought i found the "new player discussion" forum. I must have stumbled on the "get replies from cockheads" section


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Oh sorry i thought i found the "new player discussion" forum. I must have stumbled on the "get replies from cockheads" section


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