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Looking for Clan

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Hi all,

i play from Tasmania and have a liking for the server U.S 811, i generally play everyday for 4 - 5 hours from 5:00pm onwards Tassie time.

if there are any clans based on that server or a clan that plays around that time please send me a link for application or PM me.

My player style is that upon sighting a survivor i like to ask "friendly" and if no response within 5 seconds i shoot a warning shot (providing its viable without giving my position) and then if still no response, i kill.

im generally a sam fisher type player, a ghost if u like. I HATE BANDITS - but not afraid to defend myself!

i have only been playing for a month and i have alot of medium rated gear but tend to get too cocky when it comes to zombies :S

If i sound like the kind of player you might like in your clan, guild, whatever PM me :D

Obviously i do have Steam but dont wanna post it on here but will provide to clan

I have skype aswell and a GOOD mic

i also have vent :D

I dont mind jumping to populated servers or anything like that, just looking for a VERY active clan that plays around the same time i do :)

Edited by Etziel

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