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Hey everyone, Nerdy Otter here! I am currently attempting to start a DayZ let's play, and I've noticed something very important that I don't have: a partner.

If you look at most of the DayZ let's plays, you will see that they are at least two people playing. The reason for this is that DayZ is a very tedious game. Most of it is just looting. If you only have one person, the gameplay can become very bland in certain areas.

So, what am I going to do about my problem? Well, I figured "Hey, why not just hop on the forums and see who's interested".

If you want to join me, you're more than welcome to. All you have to do is fill out this simple application form:

1. How old are you?

2. Is your microphone quality tolerable (if possible, please send a sound sample)?

3. What kind of personality do you have (describe yourself)?

Thanks everyone!

P.S. I am currently a 13-year-old. Some people have a problem with that, so I'm just putting it out there.

P.P.S. I'm not much of a bandit, and I do not wish to player-kill unless I have to.

Edited by NerdyOtter

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Hey bro, you want to know somthin cool. I'm13 to so I don't give a flying poop. My mic idk no1 has complained and well im mature and have a good sense of humour and love this game. Get back to me thanks.

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Yes(mics up a tiny tiny bit of background noise at times)

Chilled and nice. I'm kinda a bandit in some ways.

skype is: txzy-the-shadow

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It would be kinda cool if all 3 of us that answered this formed a team??? just a idea :P

Yeah, that would be a cool idea. I'd like to get to know all of you a little better though. If all goes well, we could have ourselves a four-man team!

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You are going to get eaten alive if you are only 13. No one wants to watch a 13 year old play.Honestly, you need to wait a few years before you put things on YouTube.

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You are going to get eaten alive if you are only 13. No one wants to watch a 13 year old play.Honestly, you need to wait a few years before you put things on YouTube.

Yeah, I can understand how you might think that. Although, I'm just simply doing this to have fun.

Comin from the black guy :/ named Cosmic4 /clap

Unnecessary hate is unnecessary.

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Yeah, you can go ahead and do it, but you probably won't get the best response since people don't like watching younger people play games.

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Hey everyone, Nerdy Otter here! I am currently attempting to start a DayZ let's play, and I've noticed something very important that I don't have: a partner.

If you look at most of the DayZ let's plays, you will see that they are at least two people playing. The reason for this is that DayZ is a very tedious game. Most of it is just looting. If you only have one person, the gameplay can become very bland in certain areas.

So, what am I going to do about my problem? Well, I figured "Hey, why not just hop on the forums and see who's interested".

If you want to join me, you're more than welcome to. All you have to do is fill out this simple application form:

Thanks everyone!

P.S. I am currently a 13-year-old. Some people have a problem with that, so I'm just putting it out there.

P.P.S. I'm not much of a bandit, and I do not wish to player-kill unless I have to.

Hey, Im 14 I have a good working mic, im a pretty experienced player can navigate and kill zeds well, get back to me! Skype name - georgee_1997

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1. How old are you? Im 14.

2. Is your microphone quality tolerable (if possible, please send a sound sample)? I have a Turtle Beach headset, with a working microphone.

3. What kind of personality do you have (describe yourself)? Im funny in some parts, and I can crack a joke every once in a while, but when its life endangering on the game, I make sure sh*t doesnt go south.

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I really had no idea that DayZ's player base was so young.

Not that it's a bad thing, but dang.

You'd be surprised... I think most of them are still on Xbox though. X)

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2. I assume it's decent. Nobody has complained of it thus far.

3. I'm a go with the flow kind of person. If people are quiet, I tend to stay quiet too. If they are talkative, I tend to be talkative.

My Skype is [REDACTED]. Add me if it's alright with me joining you

Edited by ack4orge

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I'm 25.

My mic cost more than most computers.

I'm random as @#%! and I never swear.

I think it'd be funny to have one deep voice in your group, just to confuse everyone. Note that I have a full time job and also am already involved with the CNDF, so it would not be an every day thing. If and when I am not working my job and/or securing towns or going on supply runs, I think this would be kinda funny. Your call. I can tag along for 3-4 hours on the weekends and such, and when I leave you resume without me.

Edited by (CNDF) Angel

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Hey man, I'm 14. Got a decent sense of humour and good knowledge of the game. But there's still some times where it's "DAFUQ IS DAT?"

Send me an Add on Skype.


I got a mic etc too btw. And i got fairly nabbish gear atm, Dodgy old soviet era AKM that looks like it was put together in a Shed, Some Food, Water, etc. MAP! THE ALMIGHTY MAP.

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