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We are a group of people who love working together to achieve any goal. Our rules our simple. Follow them and you will go far. If you are interested post the following info

Dayz Name

How long have you played Dayz

What time will you be usually on. (We dont care if your actually on at that time were just trying to get an idea)

What is your requested role (medic sniper support etc.)

What you want to get from joining.

Will you stay loyal.

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Dayz name: Ace

How long have you played dayz: Just under 2 weeks(doing well for my self i think!)

Time usually on: I cant give a guaranteed time but most likely nights on Est Around 9ish and some random spurts during the day

What is your requested goal: I would like to work in more of a ground team

What you want to get from joinging: New friends of course! hehe but in all seriousness i would like some trustworthy people to dayz with.

Will you stay loyal: Loyalty is earned not automatically assumed you show me you can be trusted and you can be sure you will have a gun at your side and not at your back!

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Dayz name : Owner

How long have you played dayz: Just over a month now

Time usually on: I live in canada at western stand time and am usually on since no school most of the day and night.

What is your requested role: Well I LOVE to snipe i find it fun and makes me feel good knowing i can protect my team while protecting myself.

What you want to get from joining: Friends to play and have some fun with and gear

Will you stay loyal: Well you got to be loyal to your group or it's just won't work and if another oppertunity comes up I won't take it since I'm already in a group why do somthing stupid if you have good and loyal friends already.


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Dayz Name: thesilliestSEAL

How long have you played Dayz: about 1 week now with my own account but id say 3 weeks total using a friends

What time will you be usually on: pretty much anytime except mondays.

What is your requested role. Im not sure. i dont have a preference so i guess its w/e im better at. ive always liked sniping tho : )

What you want to get from joining: a team or group of people i can count on to have my back. ive pretty much soloed this whole time and always get capped at one point or another. need another set or sets of eyes.

Will you stay loyal. Id say yea. ive never een known to jump from clan to clan but in my experience clans or groups tend to always break up so ill be down for as long as ppl are still active.

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Dayz Name- Derezzed

How long have you played Dayz- 3 weeks

What time will you be usually on. (We dont care if your actually on at that time were just trying to get an idea)- ANY

What is your requested role (medic sniper support etc.)- Medic/Support

What you want to get from joining.- People to group with, chat while murdering the undead....again

Will you stay loyal.- If you dont steal my gear, absolutely

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Dayz Name- System_32

How long have you played Dayz- 3 weeks

What time will you be usually on. (We dont care if your actually on at that time were just trying to get an idea)- Mostly nighttime EU

What is your requested role (medic sniper support etc.)- Medic

What you want to get from joining.- People to talk to, explore the game, tired of going solo

Will you stay loyal.- Loyalty is a 2 way street, but YES on my part.

Additional- Im European, i speak/understand fluent english, i appply to NA clans because of my schedule, hope its not a problem.

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Dayz Name Zudrick

How long have you played Dayz Dayz month or so, ARMA II since release also ARMA I and Op Flashpoint

What time will you be usually on. (We dont care if your actually on at that time were just trying to get an idea) Generally nights during the week Friday - Sunday anytime

What is your requested role (medic sniper support etc.) Medic

What you want to get from joining. People to join up with who wont shoot me in the back

Will you stay loyal. yes

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Dayz Name Atban

How long have you played Dayz, 2 months

What time will you be on: Anytime I just pop in...

Requested Role: Medic/Support

What you want to get from joining: A fun time and just a great experience that I can tell my friends

Will you stay loyal.... Never been a bandit in all the 2 months of playing days so yes.

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Name: Danger JO

Pld: About a month and a half.

Time on: EU mostly from 8 pm till 3 am or later - 4 or 5 days a week.

Role: pref. Sniper/ Scout, room for discussion.

Gain from joining: A squad and some serious tactical surviving.

Loyal: If you are serious and it clicks then definitely.


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