duat 12 Posted August 17, 2012 The Good1) The premise of this game absolutely rocks! A post-apocalyptic, zombie populated, PvP game I mean!The Bad1) Swimming... did I just say swimming? Yuppers, I did. Swimming in this game is painful. It just took me nearly 10 minutes to swim only 200 yards (or thereabouts). I was a complete noob spawn-in so it's not like I was loaded down with gear/weaponry. Please improve the swimming speed. Thank you.2) The Inventory System. I'm pretty sure this is a well beaten, dead, horse so I'll be brief. Please do make this more user friendly.3) The starting loadout. Really? We noobs start the game without so much as penknife? Come on. This is a post-apocalyptic, zombie ladened, world... and we MUST be badasses if we survived to this point. Please, FOR THE POPE'S SAKE!, provide starting noobs with a weapon of some. At this point, I'll settle for a large wooden Cross if only I can bash the heads of Zombies in with it. Seriously, this game is painful enough for noobs without leaving them unarmed from the start. Badasses don't survive an apocalyptic collapse unarmed. Allow us noobs to our badassery fists and feet (Kung Fu Style!) if you're not going to start us noobs with a "contemporary" weapon. Chuck Norris anyone?4) Zombie aggro... please put a leash on them. I just ran from one TOWN TO THE NEXT trying to shed zombie aggro. The zombie never stopped chasing me. I had to dupe the system to drop aggro. Yes, I did DUPE THE SYSTEM (Logout-Login-Voila! I went Inviso-Stealth on the Zombie and dropped aggro! It works. Don't hate.). I find it unplayable for me to stealth around for 20 minutes only to then gain the aggro of a single zombie and thereafter have to run for 20 more minutes before realizing I couldn't drop his aggro. I tried going prone behind trees (hiding). I tried pinning the zombie behind terrain features (i.e. courtyards, fences, you-name-it). Nothing worked. Did I mention I started this game unarmed and with my hands/feet tied down?5) About that low-crawling, tactical crouching, stuff. Really? I spend more time lowcrawling/tactical crouch walking in this game than I actually do "playing it". Certainly, someone else (besides lowly me) believes we spend an awful lot of time with our face in the dirt. Is there any way this can be addressed? Perhaps slightly reduce the amount of zombies in each locale? I understand that if I stick with this game I may encounter (obtain) silenced weapons and such which will make the game more enjoyable (at least from a zombie aggro point). However, at this rate, obtaining those weapons seem like a long ways off.6) Benny Hill never had it so good... Zombies everywhere! Is it a bug or something? I enter towns (not the big cities mind you) and they're overrun with zombies. It's like an advanced version of Frogger just to enter into these towns without stirring up aggro. I happened upon a downed chopper outside one town and what was there awaiting me? Four zombies! At least these zombies were well dressed in their aviation suits. I couldn't stop to maneuver my way into this chopper as I was still running off Zombies from the previous town. Did I mention I'm unarmed?The Ugly1) A Broken leg? Are you sure? I mean really... I walked off the edge of a low lying dock and landed in the ocean (no more than two feet) below the docks yet I broke my leg? Come on now... I'm like a water ninja! I survived to this point of the apocalypse... surely I can jump (err... walk) off a dock into some water below just to cleanse myself of the zombie gunk! 2) A Broken leg? Are you sure? I was doing my high speed, low drag, tactical (prone) crawl into a zombie infested town (Did I mention I'm unarmed?) and managed to reach the entry door of a shed within which I could SEE BOOTY! As I lowcrawled through this shed's doorway threshhold... with the booty (loot) in sight... merely a few feet away... I BROKE MY LEGS! Damn you game! I was SO CLOSE TO GETTING A WEAPON! DENIED! Did I just cross into the Twilight Zone or something? I got broke legs, I'm shivering with pain, my eyesight is blurred, my post-apocalyptic survivor's self-confidence is at an all-time low (I can't lowcrawl through a doorway correctly (broke my leg)... I can't jump into the water for a refreshing dip (broke my other leg)... I can't punch a zombie in the eye (Zombie Kung Fu Panda'd me and left me bleeding out)... and now... after all this... I'm thirsty. Really? Did I mention I'm unarmed?3) I obtained a weapon but I couldn't use it. I finally managed to procure myself an AKM (from a deer hunting stand no less! Those must be some badass deer they were hunting...) and for some reason I was unable to shoot nor aim it. Is this a server setting or something? Or a bug? I only ask because I logged out of the current server with it and logged into another one and miraculously I was able to now aim and shoot my beloved AKM (using the default settings). Well... I did have an AKM... until I ran out of bullets... Did I mention I'm now unarmed? :PAll in all, I look forward to the kinks being worked out in this game's alpha-beta (grocery store?) phases. This game is superb (despite the things I listed above). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MickGinger0 13 Posted August 17, 2012 I second most of the stuff in here, but I think you will round a lot of these sharpened edges with more experience. That's not to say that it isn't severely flawed, I'm sure the creator feels the same way since he is so limited in resources and the game engine he modded. I hope that the standalone being built on the Arma III engine avoids a lot of these silly problems - which I'm sure it will. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stay Frosty 0 Posted August 17, 2012 its pretty easy to get hold of an axe and that is the best thing in the game at the moment imo, no real noise, one shot zombies.oh and also this is a free Alpha plus i feel the same gam eis great problems but the not starting with anything but a light gives a real survival horror feel. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stay Frosty 0 Posted August 17, 2012 ah and lose the zombies in the woods or go thru the houses they move slower in them.there are plenty of Youtube videos that explain this method and a faster way of gearing up might help you enjoy the game more mate. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 92 Posted August 17, 2012 haha and avoid opening doors or gates, the amount of deaths we have clocked up by simply opening a large gate is insane.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tyber (DayZ) 13 Posted August 17, 2012 this post is idiotic read others to find the reasons why these things happen and why they should happen 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
asaguda 8 Posted August 17, 2012 I disagree with the OP on most of the points. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
duat 12 Posted August 17, 2012 The last two naysayers apparently didn't take the time to digest what I wrote. We'll have to disagree to disagree. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
daspope 146 Posted August 17, 2012 You want to swim faster? Who do you think you are? michael phelps? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
islandjack1 8 Posted August 17, 2012 I like the Frogger metaphor and have used it myself prior to reasding this post.I have been to small towns that are over run with zombies around and in it.In the youtube tutorials and gaming vids, guys just run around and never see one while they are looting. WTF? (Whytheface)Hopefully i"m learning and getting better, hard to find time to play.The real booger in the biscuit is I set aside and hour to play and it takes 20 minutes to get on a server. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
XOLiD 102 Posted August 17, 2012 (edited) Yo dawg I heard you were unarmed so we took your arms so you could be unarmed while being un-armed. Edited August 17, 2012 by XOLiD 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Carnage752 15 Posted August 17, 2012 Man you found a chopper?? I'm going to ignore the rest of this and say fuck you! You skipped a chopper! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
duat 12 Posted August 17, 2012 Hahhaha Carnage. I know, right? I would have went back for the chopper but in the end I had to log off due to RL. In event, I never said this game was garbage like two of the naysayer posters in this thread. I love this game or at least its premise. I merely wished to point out my "issues" with this game upon my first few spawn in's/gaming sessions.I look forward to more solo adventures in this game if only to better learn the ropes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CoolCain10 55 Posted August 17, 2012 I found the inventory system quite simple when I joined as I watched many videos and if you're boss you get a boat to swim and not lose your gear Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
asaguda 8 Posted August 17, 2012 The last two naysayers apparently didn't take the time to digest what I wrote. We'll have to disagree to disagree.No, sorry, I read through the post and I can see where you're coming from on a few of them. The rest just sounds like 'This game is too hard, make it easier.' Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
belesis 14 Posted August 17, 2012 I was thinking with regard to zombie spawns, maybe it would be nice to see them spawning every now and again outside the current areas (eg buildings, deer stands, barracks, etc). For instance, maybe spawn points could be somewhat random so that every now and again when hiking through the wilderness you might occasionally come across a group of them here and there. Last night I went from just outside Cherno to just shy of the NWAF without seeing a single zombie or player. This was on a high pop server and I wasn't intentionally avoiding towns, just navigating using the compass to generally keep a NNW heading. It was kind of boring. I mean why would zombies just congregate around the current areas? Are they somewhat still intelligent enough to know players must coming into towns and so forth to gear up? Just a thought. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites