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Hey I got a problem with lag if anybody can help

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So Ive tried doing alot of things to fix my dayz lag and since i dont kno

alot about computers ive mostly been going to youtube!

I did fix alot of my lag but its still there sometimes and i kno that ALOT of people are running there game way better then mine from the videos Ive watched and I kno alot of people are having the same trouble as me, so I created this thread so people could post there problems and or solutions!

As I said before Im not good with computers and I dont kno alot about them but I think these are the specs for my laptop:

CPU: Intel Pentium P6100


Intel HD Graphics

4 GB DDR3 (If this is the RAM I now have 8 GB)

500 GB HDD

DVD-Super Multi DL drive

Acer Nplify 802.11b/g/n

6-cell Li-ion batter

Again idk much about computers so if these arent the specs my bad but if they are and someone knos how to fix my lag and other peoples lag feel free to post because this games cool and i enjoy playing it but the lag is a major problem.

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Your processor and video card (or lack of) are going to be the drawback.

Laptops are not for gaming as you may already know. You need to buy a gaming PC.

The only thing that you can really do is keep lowering the ingame video settings to the lowest possible, even then you will probably get lag I'm afraid.

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Yeah I already got everything in game as low as possible, I had figured since this is basically the only thing ive downloaded on to this laptop it would work smoothly but i guess not.

If anyone is still reading this post do any of you think upgrading the parts I have will make it work better?

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My advice is, buy a new gaming system and do not upgrade the system what you have now.

If you will upgrade, its better to save the $$ till u can buy a new one.

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agree, dont upgrade that laptop, that will be throwing money away.

I don't know your money situation, do you have a job? at school? etc............ You need to save up a good amount of money. And then spend a lot of time researching what to buy, don't just jump straight in. Asking advice on forums like you are doing is the best way to go about it.

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Thx for the advice but I dont plan to play any games other then this on the PC Im more of a xbox 360 guy and for me to spend thousands of dollars on a sicko gaming pc for 1 game seems more of a waste then to just trip out the laptop I hav at the moment

All Im asking is will this game run smoothly if i trip out my laptop?

Im also 16 and its my older bro thats spending the cash...

Edited by griffbird

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even though i like the xbox i would much rather have the PC version for this game :)

Making it for the xbox would take way too much away from the gameplay i believe

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