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I haven't given this much thought, but as a community, let's expand on this idea.. so.. yeah, hordes.

Those who are more experienced in the game and/or play with other players will realize that the only real challenge in the game is other players/hackers (currently). To give the game a more challenging "zombie" survival using the game itself, hordes of infected would be an interesting thing to see in the game.

10-20 infected can spawn inside a large building (warehouse/long-house [white stone/wooden], hangars), and smaller groups of probably 4- 5 in smaller buildings like houses, yellow brick/red brick houses, firehouses, fire-stations barracks, etc. These don't only have to spawn in buildings, they can spawn in locations where no player is even near, and they can have way-points to sprint along the shore/sprint through cities like Cherno/Electro/Zeleno/Berezino and if they aren't killed, they can either de-spawn (by running off the map/simply dissapear) or they can break up into smaller groups, head into a city/town and just wander around like normal.

For a more aesthetic approach, Rocket can set the scripts so that certain hordes have different skins, so:

Fire-station/firehouse - firefighter / fire-chief skin

Houses/Yellow&Brick houses - civilian skin (both male and female)

Warehouse, Long barns - farmer, mechanic, worker skin

Barracks/Hangars/Air Towers - Soldier/captain/mechanic skin

For those who are worried about freshly spawned players becoming dinner, let's discuss that in the thread. The hordes can/should only spawn when there are little to no players near the shore and they can spawn extremely rarely (about as rare as finding a tent or vehicle).

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What would be cool if they added like a big fat zombie, with a weird neck or something XDDD and he barfs on people which like attracts zombies or something :P

In all honesty, no. The sprinting across map sounds cool, but will be kind of stupid.

I like the skin ideas for zombies, though.

tl;dr - sounds cool, won't work in-game tbh

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if they spawn rarely it's not a challenge.

imho any decently sized village should spawn a horde if loud guns are shot.

cerno should have one roaming/running around the place at all times.

if they spawn inside they building they're easy picking, just saying.

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@Captain: Left 4 Dead lol

@Kryvian: Well I suppose they could spawn commonly, it's a matter of making the game challenging, not impossible. Maintaining a realistic environment without becoming a Left 4 Dead kind of game.

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why are there no zombie wimminz? das rayciss

n0, day be seciss.

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I think:

(This is a quick version) A few, lets say 2-5, persistent, HUGE hordes, around 20-100 (depending on what can be done, engine-wise) roaming all of Chernarus, perhaps in random patterns, perhaps in a pre-determined pattern from town to town.

-these should move medium fast, be loud and god forbid, if they catch your scent when you're alone, you are pretty much fucked. so hide your ass or be armed to the last of your teeth.

I'd have a few more ideas about the spread of Zeds, but since this is about hordes, I'll leave at this.



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Well, I was thinking of keeping this a more subtle addition, something to fear but nothing to hide in the bushes 24x7 about. 100 infected? Lol, they don't die as easy as they do in L4D!

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Zombies should be static on the map, the pathing and control of them shouldn't be shit onto a players pc/bandwidth, and there should be a lot more. But none of this matters, now that DayZ is announced as a real game no major work is going to go into this, they couldn't even bother to make a real patch in the past month

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you want a subtle addition. Every Zombie Spawn has a small percentage chance (say 1%) to spawn a roaming zombie that only despawns upon server restart. The pathing for it is already there. It can use the same one that the animals use. So this gives you a small chance at free roaming zombies.

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Well, I was thinking of keeping this a more subtle addition, something to fear but nothing to hide in the bushes 24x7 about. 100 infected? Lol, they don't die as easy as they do in L4D!

No they don't, that's my point exactly. And fuck subtle. This game shouldnt be about 'subtle'. Its about fearing for your goddamn life. Its about survival.

And also the zombies should be more of a threat to ones life than other players, because that's the only way to encourage teamwork among random survivors. (but that's just my view on the subject)

Also my suggested hordes would be moving constantly, bar maybe the few roamers left behind in the cities, so you wouldnt need to hide from these 24/7, but only when they come around.

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Make an UT-like announcement saying: THE HORDE HAS BEEN RELEASED.

Release 200 zombies and add some tension music.

Enjoy people batsh*t scared running around to high ground.

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