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Met what I think must be a hacker on DE 822. (Not directly a report.)

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I was sitting on a hill near Elektro (not the hill you think), and was trying to find and kill people. I already had AS50, Ghillie Suit and a ton of rare stuff, was not really much else to do, don't hate. The server I was on was resetting soon, so I disconnected and joined another. At first the whole town seemed dead, until I hear footsteps behind me. I use Alt and mouse to look behind me, see nothing but bushes, then I see a gunflash coming from BEHIND the bush and kills me with one shot.

Now, believe me, I'm not really mad that I died, it is sad to lose such gear, but I was not mad or anything. My question is how can someone so randomly just find me and kill me in what was less than 5 seconds. Remember, I had a Ghillie Suit, I was in a grassy area under a tree with the shadow over me, with bushes behind me. I really tried to conceal myself from attacks from behind. But this guy just finds me behind and under all this and kills me with one shot extremely fast. I barely reacted before I was dead. I did not even see the guy that shot me, all I saw was the bush and the gunflash behind it.

Can this be a hacker? I just want your thoughts on this.

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Maybe another player with low settings saw through the bush and capped you. He could have logged out back there doing the same thing you were, and hopped on later hoping for more easy kills. Too bad it was you. :D

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Could have been.

I just ran through the forests north of NEAF and suddenly heard footsteps very close behind me.

I couldn't see anyone and when i stopped for a second i got shot by a m4sd at very close range.

At least i was able to alt-f4 before he killed me...but yea, hackers can go invisible and teleport next to anyone on the server apparently.

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I wonder if there are a bunch of pissed off people tired of getting sniped who went out and started scripting just to kill snipers. The last two times I've been on sniper hill in Elektro (passing through to take out snipers who may be targeting the fire station on my way there) I have been shot from close behind despite using extreme caution. I've also heard a lot less sniping on the servers I regularly play on recently...

Of course snipers are usually well decked out so killing them would cause maximum griefing and therefore maximum boners for skiddies.

Edited by puppetworx

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Maybe another player with low settings saw through the bush and capped you. He could have logged out back there doing the same thing you were, and hopped on later hoping for more easy kills. Too bad it was you. :D

Forgot to mention I currently have no GPU, and had a resolution of 640x480 and settings on the absolute lowest for maximum FPS. So if I did not see through that bush, he can't possibly have.

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