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Rough Couple Of Days For Medics

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As the title says, it's been a rough couple of days for medics. In these past three days, I think I've been murdered more than I've killed zombies in my whole combined lives. So I was going to patient outside Elektro, I was full of medical supplies, then got murdered, regeared, got murdered, and so on until I got into Elektro and everyone was dead but my patient and myself. Then yesterday, Askar and I were completely geared up, GPS, NVG, Rangefinder, guns, ghillies, etc. then we finally get a patient after sitting around campfires for about 45 minutes. Askar said we were going to get killed around a campfire, and sure enough we did. We killed a sheep, lit a fire, started cooking it, then BAM we both died. After that, we kept getting killed over and over until we got saved by a helicopter.

After we regeared, we flew around in a helicopter to try and find a car or atv, or a pbx. We land to pick up some parts, then BAM we get killed and they stole the heli. So finally we find the heli and retrieve it, then go regear again. I had to go, so I logged out in a camp, then went to go meet up with Askar today. We met up, found a GAZ, went to go get parts, then we were all sniped.

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Damn rough!

The ATV I had almost fixed got stolen or destroyed... So I have a Heli Rotor and a jerry can in my bag.... Anyone need em?

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Hopefully in standalone there will be a skin for medics.

I'd like to think most of the community survivor and bandits alike would not shoot at them.

You will always get a few that will show no mercy though. :D

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The mentality of people is horrible. Kill or be killed, what a childish way of playing a game. But, since most people are coming straight from arcade shooters and need instant action, what do you expect?

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As the title says, it's been a rough couple of days for medics. In these past three days, I think I've been murdered more than I've killed zombies in my whole combined lives. So I was going to patient outside Elektro, I was full of medical supplies, then got murdered, regeared, got murdered, and so on until I got into Elektro and everyone was dead but my patient and myself. Then yesterday, Askar and I were completely geared up, GPS, NVG, Rangefinder, guns, ghillies, etc. then we finally get a patient after sitting around campfires for about 45 minutes. Askar said we were going to get killed around a campfire, and sure enough we did. We killed a sheep, lit a fire, started cooking it, then BAM we both died. After that, we kept getting killed over and over until we got saved by a helicopter.

After we regeared, we flew around in a helicopter to try and find a car or atv, or a pbx. We land to pick up some parts, then BAM we get killed and they stole the heli. So finally we find the heli and retrieve it, then go regear again. I had to go, so I logged out in a camp, then went to go meet up with Askar today. We met up, found a GAZ, went to go get parts, then we were all sniped.

I hope you didnt get killed by dude with an m14 cause i completely stumbled on 2 guys in the woods just nw of the barn north of elecktro . one was a bandit so my instinct was to shoot. I got someone who was a survivor instead and then the bandit kills me. OOPS was better than gettin offed by hackers today.

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I hope you didnt get killed by dude with an m14 cause i completely stumbled on 2 guys in the woods just nw of the barn north of elecktro . one was a bandit so my instinct was to shoot. I got someone who was a survivor instead and then the bandit kills me. OOPS was better than gettin offed by hackers today.

Wasn't us. We were actually near there but we were both in Ghillie suits and neither of us had a chance to respond. Two roaring booms as we roasted a goat and it was over.

And thanks as always for the offer Saucy, but I'm good (until the next sniper spies me). Completely regeared again with the help of our helicopter and a hacker (duper?) camp, as well as the other two guys who died with us earlier.

It has been very rough, but I think we're finally all on our feet again (for now) and able to help patients. A medic skin would go far, but probably 3/4 of my recent deaths were when I was in Hero skin and not camo or ghillie, so I'm not sure how well it would work out. 13K humanity and I'm still completely untrustworthy apparently.

Edited by Askar

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Wasn't us. We were actually near there but we were both in Ghillie suits and neither of us had a chance to respond. Two roaring booms as we roasted a goat and it was over.

And thanks as always for the offer Saucy, but I'm good (until the next sniper spies me). Completely regeared again with the help of our helicopter and a hacker (duper?) camp, as well as the other two guys who died with us earlier.

It has been very rough, but I think we're finally all on our feet again (for now) and able to help patients. A medic skin would go far, but probably 3/4 of my recent deaths were when I was in Hero skin and not camo or ghillie, so I'm not sure how well it would work out. 13K humanity and I'm still completely untrustworthy apparently.

Some people probably arent completely familiar with the new skins yet also. I died to a hacker earlier. Thankfully me and my bro went to another server ran to where we died ,after he teleported us to kill us again, and regained all our gear. Only loss was my bros camo suit.

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Well Saucy, we had a FUBAR kind of day recently, too, right? ;)

"One does not simply drive into Kamyshovo..."

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Well Saucy, we had a FUBAR kind of day recently, too, right? ;)

"One does not simply drive into Kamyshovo..."

Why should one not simply drive into Kamyshovo...? I'm intrigued.

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because its probably one of the worst places to have a car breakdown, especially when you got hackers on your heels

its an epic story of bravery, sacrifice, a new hope, and for the final crescendo: fucking anti-aircraft guns being spawned against our air cavalry coming to rescue us..

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no manners whatsoever, i tell you.

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Yeah.. I got killed twice since then, I really have nothing now other than a Coyote Backpack.. once by a hacker and once by a sniper when entering Elek to get parts for a car.

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Oh yeah, we also got sent to the moon. That was pretty funny.

Do you like bananas?

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Hi Bonehead3535 , umm not really,some servers dont show nametags, so ya get shot sometimes by those that dont even know you are one, and you usually dont even get a chance to say medic or friendly, or they shoot anyway...

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Those of us that are running solo at present are getting cut up something wicked as well, I have lost count how many times in the last 3 weeks I have been killed and robbed, I would honestly say at least twice a day.. Still trying to get "sponsored" for the TMW guys.. One day, I might actually save someone & get out alive enough to prove my worth.. LOL.. I have tried, Ghillies get you shot cause they think you are a sniper.. normal gets you shot for your large pack ( medicals+ essentials) They see on your back, Havent tried camo , will when i find one next, apparently it also gives you a bit of protection.. If someone can let me know if it can be done and where I would like a medic skin, if there is a legit way of doing it, I have heard people having Joker & batman skins etc.. So maybe you can.. Thanks for any assist.. Not looking for ant special tratment , just might stop people from shooting on site , that wouldnt if they knew you were friendly..

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Will it work if you add [MEDIC] or [FRIENDLY] in front of your name

I was in the hospital in cherno on a low pop server hunting for morphine. I normally avoid going into the cities, but having zero morphine on me made me kinda nervous. While I was looting, a guy in a bandit skin came around the corner with an ak right into my face. We were literally face to face, 1 meter apart. I think I scared the crap out of him, because he instantly started spraying bullets. I held Z immediately and dropped prone in front of him, so his bullets simply made holes in the hospital walls. I put a couple rounds into his legs and heard the telltale cracking of bones as he fell unconscious.

When I stood back up, I pointed the gun down at him and saw that he had DR in front of his name. I checked his bag, and he had nothing but morphine, blood bags, and food. He was apparently a traveling medic who panicked when the ghillie came around the corner.

I said in direct comms that he should use the safety on his gun, bandaged him, and left. If not for DR in his name he'd be dead right now.

EDIT: I'd suggest to would be medics that you find a traveling companion, even if that person isn't a medic. Having a sniper around improves your lifespan dramatically.

Edited by (CNSF) Angel

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P.S. Usually I run with medicals supplies and pers weapon, for the zombies and self defence only, no major kit, so quite often, not worth the bullet.. LOL.

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Hi Angel, I run with whats written above ie +BAndAid+ ( MEDIC ) But some servers, this wont show up and sometimes still gets me shot anyway, one cheeky guy, killed me, then I got back to my old body, got some of my stuff back & came up on DC saying sorry, I know you tried to help me , but... then he killed me again.. Go Figure.. LOL

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Hi Angel, I run with whats written above ie +BAndAid+ ( MEDIC ) But some servers, this wont show up and sometimes still gets me shot anyway, one cheeky guy, killed me, then I got back to my old body, got some of my stuff back & came up on DC saying sorry, I know you tried to help me , but... then he killed me again.. Go Figure.. LOL

The name won't help unless you play on servers with nameplates, and even then, there are some bandit groups that specifically hunt medics anyway. Move by night and stick to the trees. Best way to stay alive is to be a shadow. Solo medic game is hard.

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