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U.G.N - Jedi Panda

Script Detected !! User is now banned, muhhahaha !!!! :-)

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I see that, yes.

In the background dood!

Look properly!

It's ok though, I agree with both sides.

Might be because I've had a few drinks - But there is no real way to prove you are spoofing the report, or its legit.


Most server admins wouldn't abuse their power - They would report hackers diligently, so everyone can attempt to have a better game.

The problem is those few, mainly in clans I'd assume, that would copy and paste a vehicle spawn log and put the person who raided there camp in it.

Its stupidly simple, copy over the GUID and name.


Innocent player banned from a heap of servers.

Thats why I am sceptical, not because the admin are the evil - 99% of admin are good guys.

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Are you guys for real? You do know that logs is the ONLY tool we admins have to catch people..

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They don't care.

It's the "lower classes rising up against their oppressive masters" mindset.

The Player Police force and Humanitarian League of Disabused Players is in full swing.

Us admins cannot put a foot right with people like these, they will complain that we are banning hackers and demand proof, use hacked in weapons, complain when we take the server down after a hack attack - but my god - the minute they are on a server and get thunderdomed, they are screaming for us admins to do something and help clean up the game.

It's a fucking pathetic community these days.

FYI - I ban people all the time, I keep the logs, and forward them to the Dayz community ban list.

So far this has been sufficient "proof" to get at least 8 people banned.

Taking screenshots of logfiles is going to promote the "omg it's shopped i can tell by the pixlz"

Taking videos of every time we log into the server will promote "omg its edited to make it say what you want"

How about you shut up, and let the dayz-admins deal with the server-admins as they see fit, stop telling us how to do our damned jobs.

We're assisting the community, you're just leaching.

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This so called "personal information" that's being posted by admins is not something anyone should be crying about. I paid 20 dollars for this game on a steam sale and I don't pay monthly servers fees. Since there are far more script abusers than abusive admins why not take admins word over someone who doesn't even identify them self. Pretty easy to tell why this game gets shit on all day. In my opinion ban first ask questions later. Admins are a major factor in running this game and its often unplayable. Admins need more rights, not people who spend their money supporting script selling programmers.

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This so called "personal information" that's being posted by admins is not something anyone should be crying about. I paid 20 dollars for this game on a steam sale and I don't pay monthly servers fees. Since there are far more script abusers than abusive admins why not take admins word over someone who doesn't even identify them self. Pretty easy to tell why this game gets shit on all day. In my opinion ban first ask questions later. Admins are a major factor in running this game and its often unplayable. Admins need more rights, not people who spend their money supporting script selling programmers.

You'd actually be amazed when you realize there are not so many "abusive admins", they are more inexperienced and unable to deal with confrontation, and make snap judgments to protect their playerbase/community.

Most are good admins, just not experienced.

And most of the posts crying "admin abuse" are either fallacy, misunderstanding or "revenge" for some slight the butthurt player feels has taken place.

As a server host I've been targeted with posts like these since week one.

I hardly play on my own server any more because of the association - if i die 2m before a scheduled restart, i can guarantee there will be a post on this forum screaming admin abuse before the hours out.

The ENTIRE community needs a reboot, the finger pointing needs to go, and the forum mods/admin team have got to stop making it the par to point the fingers at server hosters.

hell! why is there even a "SERVER REPORTING" forum?

Getting the community to police for you is always a terrible mistake.

Facing all of this though - I will continue to run my server, hackers, cry babies, shitty rules and all - because I want to help with this mod in any way I can.

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lol, with enough effort any evidence can be faked, and no matter what evidence you submit, someone will be there to cry and point out the fact that you could have faked it. And anyways...


* Server this happened on.

* Time that it happened including your timezone.

* What happened during the incident.


- Video proof

- Pictures

You are not permitted to ban for suspected cheats or exploits of a non-server-disruptive nature, including but not limited to ghosting, unverified cheating, duping and similar, UNLESS you have solid evidence, IE logs.

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