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Tired of complaints about being player killed

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For those of you arguing about The Road or The Book of Eli' date=' there have been times in human civilization when society collapsed. In every case, small communities of people gathered together and began to rebuild. This "every man for himself" as a given is a steaming pile of horse shit. If that is what YOU choose, so be it, but don't pretend you are just playing realistically.

Some of you should read some more history.


Believe me, I know more than my fair share of history. And you are absolutely right. But that collapse of civilization happened due in major part to natural disasters, not a fucking infection that led to a zombie outbreak. That is the difference, instead of picking up the pieces and starting anew as shown in history, that isn't as easy when there is a growing infection of undead trying to eat you and your loved ones.

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Yeah' date=' but that's just the way it has to be. That's why I only trust people I know in real life, that way I can be totally certain I won't be killed by someone I thought was friendly. It's a dog eat dog world, and I'm just trying to ensure that I'm the alpha dog.


I wholeheartedly agree with you, and same attitude here, even people that have proven friendly are still a threat. Unless it's an RL friend, it's not worth the risk to try and find out. It's just unfortunate that the game has come to that (at least for the moment). It eliminates the ability to band together with strangers quite significantly, which IMHO is sort of a big deal in a human extinction scenario.

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That will be your downfall.....

Not at all, me and my clan are going strong because of that mentality. :D

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Actually, in a real zombie Apocalypse, I would expect people to not shoot other survivors on sight the way they do in this game. Think about it logically for just one second. You are alone in the ZA. You haven't seen or spoken to another human being in weeks. You have been wandering avoiding zombies for god knows how long. You are walking along somewhere and off in the distance you see another lone individual. This is the first non-zombie human you have seen. So naturally, what with human being social animals, you blast the guy dead? That doesn't make sense. He could have shown you where food was in the area, or possibly if there is any real civilization or a cure.

In the ZA, life will become more precious and rare. For that reason alone, people will not just shoot each other on sight.

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Actually' date=' in a real zombie Apocalypse, I would expect people to not shoot other survivors on sight the way they do in this game. Think about it logically for just one second. You are alone in the ZA. You haven't seen or spoken to another human being in weeks. You have been wandering avoiding zombies for god knows how long. You are walking along somewhere and off in the distance you see another lone individual. This is the first non-zombie human you have seen. So naturally, what with human being social animals, you blast the guy dead? That doesn't make sense. He could have shown you where food was in the area, or possibly if there is any real civilization or a cure.

In the ZA, life will become more precious and rare. For that reason alone, people will not just shoot each other on sight.


Ehhh. That's small picture. Chances are, they are starving. Its either them or you, food will get scarcer because canned food can only last so long. They've probably already ran into human life before, and most likely they were either cannibals, bandits, or a combination of the former. It isn't murder, it's self defense.

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Actually' date=' in a real zombie Apocalypse, I would expect people to not shoot other survivors on sight the way they do in this game. Think about it logically for just one second. You are alone in the ZA. You haven't seen or spoken to another human being in weeks. You have been wandering avoiding zombies for god knows how long. You are walking along somewhere and off in the distance you see another lone individual. This is the first non-zombie human you have seen. So naturally, what with human being social animals, you blast the guy dead? That doesn't make sense. He could have shown you where food was in the area, or possibly if there is any real civilization or a cure.

In the ZA, life will become more precious and rare. For that reason alone, people will not just shoot each other on sight.


Ehhh. That's small picture. Chances are, they are starving. Its either them or you, food will get scarcer because canned food can only last so long. They've probably already ran into human life before, and most likely they were either cannibals, bandits, or a combination of the former. It isn't murder, it's self defense.

so asking if they have some spare beans isn't the better thing to do? I mean really there is no social repercussion for players who go out of their way to kill other players, thus no reason to give killing other players a second thought.

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Ehhh. That's small picture. Chances are' date=' they are starving. Its either them or you, food will get scarcer because canned food can only last so long. They've probably already ran into human life before, and most likely they were either cannibals, bandits, or a combination of the former. It isn't murder, it's self defense.


My viewpoint is small picture? You shooting every person you see is small picture. You shoot everyone, you ensure your personal survival. Big picture thinking would be the survival of the species as a whole, which won't happen if you kill everyone who isn't a zombie. How long do you really think you can survive solo? One broken leg, one bad infection, and you are done for. The odds of your long term survival greatly improve with more people. The odds of the survival of the species increase if survivors band together.

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Yep, the concepts of natural selection displayed by some here are indeed really strange, and sort of worrying. Someone even went as far as declaring that all females would have disappeared because of natural selection, them being weak... Well, if you kill all the females, the only thing you've achieved is that you've selected yourself (and everyone else) out, good job and welcome to natural selection!

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The fact is that Day Z provided a completely different experience a few short weeks ago. I know that what drew me to the game was the way random people teamed up and cooperated in many gameplay videos. However the game is now just turning into Deathmatch: Cherno, and it is losing a lot of its distinctive flavor. Part of this is because surviving alone is really not all that hard once you figure out how to do it, but also because there are no consequences for killing others, or for dying right after you spawn.

Additionally I think it might have something to do with the fact that zombies aren't really worth shooting, so people shoot players instead. Zombies move VERY erratically and are notoriously hard to actually hit (because they tend to lag/jerk all over the place). Furthermore firing at one zombie will lead to to be swarmed by a dozen more, so it is pretty much never a good idea. But since this is a game with guns this bores some people who want to shoot their guns, so they shoot players instead (since they move much more fluidly and are easier to hit).

Basically I feel the zombies need some fundamental reworking; they need to move more slowly and realistically so they can actually be shot, but they also need to be a bit more dangerous so teaming up with others actually has a benefit. Right now it is quite easy to just prone past every single zombie on the entire map; I have been doing it for 20+ hours with the same character so far.

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Ehhh. That's small picture. Chances are' date=' they are starving. Its either them or you, food will get scarcer because canned food can only last so long. They've probably already ran into human life before, and most likely they were either cannibals, bandits, or a combination of the former. It isn't murder, it's self defense.


My viewpoint is small picture? You shooting every person you see is small picture. You shoot everyone, you ensure your personal survival. Big picture thinking would be the survival of the species as a whole, which won't happen if you kill everyone who isn't a zombie. How long do you really think you can survive solo? One broken leg, one bad infection, and you are done for. The odds of your long term survival greatly improve with more people. The odds of the survival of the species increase if survivors band together.

Finally, someone with common sense... Thats why I think the concept of survival in this 'anti-game' is flawed at best. Again, and I insist, If the 'anti-game' was like the movie The Road the current 'shoot first' behaviour would be acceptable even encouraged. But that's not the case. I feel that the zombie apocalypse doesn't really fit at this type scenario.

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Ehhh. That's small picture. Chances are' date=' they are starving. Its either them or you, food will get scarcer because canned food can only last so long. They've probably already ran into human life before, and most likely they were either cannibals, bandits, or a combination of the former. It isn't murder, it's self defense.


My viewpoint is small picture? You shooting every person you see is small picture. You shoot everyone, you ensure your personal survival. Big picture thinking would be the survival of the species as a whole, which won't happen if you kill everyone who isn't a zombie. How long do you really think you can survive solo? One broken leg, one bad infection, and you are done for. The odds of your long term survival greatly improve with more people. The odds of the survival of the species increase if survivors band together.

Finally, someone with common sense... Thats why I think the concept of survival in this 'anti-game' is flawed at best. Again, and I insist, If the 'anti-game' was like the movie The Road the current 'shoot first' behaviour would be acceptable even encouraged. But that's not the case. I feel that the zombie apocalypse doesn't really fit at this type scenario.

That is a valid point. I keep thinking of this game like the book (because it was a book first) The Road, but it really isn't. It is The Road + Left 4 Dead, and in Left 4 Dead people must WORK TOGETHER.

In any event I feel the whole "anti game" philosphy will not be a winning one, or one that results in something that people will keep playing. You cannot design a game to have intentionally broken elements and still expect people to play it. Now I'm not talking about high damage or having to eat and drink or losing everything when you die; I am fine with a high level of complexity and unforgiving game mechanics. However, I am not fine with a game like this that only provides one type of interpersonal encounter (that is, a violent one). If I want to play a game where people shoot other people on sight I will go play a game with a real Deathmatch mode; I want to play Day Z because it can (or could before the patch) simultaneously provide the potential for teamwork OR violent confrontation. Right now it is HEAVILY leaning toward the latter, which makes it rather boring and repetitive.

I want danger from other players, but I don't want it all the time. That gets boring.

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The fact is that Day Z provided a completely different experience a few short weeks ago. I know that what drew me to the game was the way random people teamed up and cooperated in many gameplay videos. However the game is now just turning into Deathmatch: Cherno' date=' and it is losing a lot of its distinctive flavor. Part of this is because surviving alone is really not all that hard once you figure out how to do it, but also because there are no consequences for killing others, or for dying right after you spawn.

Additionally I think it might have something to do with the fact that zombies aren't really worth shooting, so people shoot players instead. Zombies move VERY erratically and are notoriously hard to actually hit (because they tend to lag/jerk all over the place). Furthermore firing at one zombie will lead to to be swarmed by a dozen more, so it is pretty much never a good idea. But since this is a game with guns this bores some people who want to shoot their guns, so they shoot players instead (since they move much more fluidly and are easier to hit).

Basically I feel the zombies need some fundamental reworking; they need to move more slowly and realistically so they can actually be shot, but they also need to be a bit more dangerous so teaming up with others actually has a benefit. Right now it is quite easy to just prone past every single zombie on the entire map; I have been doing it for 20+ hours with the same character so far.


Thats why I think zombies need to be a greater threat than actual humans. The human threat is always there (bandits, robbers, murders, etc.) but its not the entire 'focus' (as it appears to be right now). Right now zombies spawn in cities/villages etc. that seem too predictable to me, it would greatly enhance the zombie threat if zombies would spawn randomly in forests or roads posing even a greater threat for survivors and bandits alike. Also temporary (as in zombies can retake it) capturable towns would enhace then need to do 'scavenge runs' for food and supplies having to fight (or avoid) hordes of zombies and the occasional bandit along the way. This would give a greater sense of purpose (instead of just killing other survivors).

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I honestly don't find zombies to be a focus AT ALL right now. I can avoid them 97% of the time without even alerting a single zombie; I can go into town and get whatever I need and then get out on my own without firing a shot. When I am out of a town I am completely free of zombies. It then turns into an orienteering/hiking simulator.

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Ehhh. That's small picture. Chances are' date=' they are starving. Its either them or you, food will get scarcer because canned food can only last so long. They've probably already ran into human life before, and most likely they were either cannibals, bandits, or a combination of the former. It isn't murder, it's self defense.


My viewpoint is small picture? You shooting every person you see is small picture. You shoot everyone, you ensure your personal survival. Big picture thinking would be the survival of the species as a whole, which won't happen if you kill everyone who isn't a zombie. How long do you really think you can survive solo? One broken leg, one bad infection, and you are done for. The odds of your long term survival greatly improve with more people. The odds of the survival of the species increase if survivors band together.

Finally, someone with common sense... Thats why I think the concept of survival in this 'anti-game' is flawed at best. Again, and I insist, If the 'anti-game' was like the movie The Road the current 'shoot first' behaviour would be acceptable even encouraged. But that's not the case. I feel that the zombie apocalypse doesn't really fit at this type scenario.

That is a valid point. I keep thinking of this game like the book (because it was a book first) The Road, but it really isn't. It is The Road + Left 4 Dead, and in Left 4 Dead people must WORK TOGETHER.

In any event I feel the whole "anti game" philosphy will not be a winning one, or one that results in something that people will keep playing. You cannot design a game to have intentionally broken elements and still expect people to play it. Now I'm not talking about high damage or having to eat and drink or losing everything when you die; I am fine with a high level of complexity and unforgiving game mechanics. However, I am not fine with a game like this that only provides one type of interpersonal encounter (that is, a violent one). If I want to play a game where people shoot other people on sight I will go play a game with a real Deathmatch mode; I want to play Day Z because it can (or could before the patch) simultaneously provide the potential for teamwork OR violent confrontation. Right now it is HEAVILY leaning toward the latter, which makes it rather boring and repetitive.

I want danger from other players, but I don't want it all the time. That gets boring.

Agreed. IMHO Dayz is all about the human threat which is (at a certain point) predictable. It would be ideal to have a higher level of unpredictability, zombies play minor role here which makes the whole zombie concept rather... I don't know, unnecessary?.

I see it this way:

Imagine small band of survivors attempting to clear out a farm (only a few zombies wandering about) after successfully clearing it, they decide to get it the farm house, close the doors and call it a night. Next morning after logging in, they find themselves surrounded by a horde of zombies (maybe they made too much noise?) this puts them in a situation they did not think about, and must do (think) something before they run out of supplies...

That would be so awesome.

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One way to make the zombies far more dangerous and unpredictable would be to let players chose to sometime spawn as zombies, especially the fast running type. There's nothing as unpredictable as another player. The zombie would have the ability to shout and alert the whole caravan of AI zombies (or create a new spawn point for zeds) when he spots a player (along with a couple of other abilities maybe). With that, crawling in the midst of zombies would become fare more scary. Camping as a sniper bandit would too, as a zombie player might ambush him while he's absorbed by his task of tracking other humans. Just my 2 cents. Obviously a lot of work needed, and therefore probably not going to happen (but something potentially fun to make these zombie encounters stories a bit more unique).

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In just about every zombie movie I've seen, people stick together because they can't make it alone. If Day-Z's zombies can become more realistic, become greater in numbers, harder to kill, being a bandit could be a mistake for the player. Don't punish bandits, encourage teamwork.

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No' date=' in an apocalypse almost everybody would shoot you on sight, either to protect themselves or the ones they love.


Lol, that sounds incredibly ridiculous. Sure, if it came down to protecting family you would kill someone.. but you're not protecting them from anything if they're not being threatened in the first place.. initial instinct is not to murder right away but first try to communicate and group up because that would improve your odds of survival. You're also saying this as if you know for sure this is what would happen so.. you lose there too because nobody actually knows what would happen in that situation.

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