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Unable to update DayZ with SixLauncher to HELP!!!!

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Hey, I need your help. You can read it at the top, I cannot update DayZ with Sixlauncher to I´ve used many tutorials(changing @DayZ, reinstall, and downalod sixlauncher..and more , but nothing worked. Please help me! For your information I am using the Steam version of Arma2 OA. (sorry for bad english is it not my favourite language^^)

Mfg Lichtbringer688

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Es kalppt nichts mein Kumpel hat das gleiche problem ich ahb nochmal versucht sixupdater über die dayz mod seite zu laden aber wenn ich dann die playwith six.exe geldane hab löscht mein norton die datei weil sie gefährlich ist-.-

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Just download the files and copy them into your directory (C => steam => steamapps => common => arma 2 operation arrowhead => @dayz) and override them over the older ( ones.

When launching SixLauncher, DO NOT PRESS VERIFY!! Just double click a server you'd like to join. If you click verify, the program overrides your files in the @dayz folder back to

Once you double clicked a server you'd like to join, SixLauncher will say your version is outdated and ask if you'd like to join anyway, just click Yes and then you're playing with SixLauncher

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