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Looking to form a team

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So, iv been playing Dayz for about 4-5 weeks, and iv come to realize that most of the people who announce themselves as friendly, will either shoot you when you look elsewhere, or shoot you later when they get bored. So that will drive you into the so called: ''Kill-on-sight'' type of gaming. An alerting amount of people on the forums have shown sings that they no-longer believe that anyone is truly friendly... :o

But i refuse to believe that, because if your friendly, the only way to not shoot anyone and survive, is to STAY AWAY FROM OTHER PLAYERS. So why you always run into the murderers? Its because every friendly person within 20 square miles had run in to the other direction immediately when they saw you coming! So iv come to realize that its lonely to play if your friendly... :(

So i'm seeking for ANYONE who shares the same way of thinking and would like to team up with me! I'm playing in a server that has 5- to 20 players depending on the time of the day.

If you have same feelings, then don't hesitate to put a post! :)

Although! There are few things that i DO NOT appreciate:

-Lying that your friendly, and then killing me and taking my gear. >:(

-Being a Bandit. <_< (If the person HAS been a bandit caused to the hostile atmosphere of the game, he can team up with me if he TRULY DOES want to play friendly but the chances for it have been too rare.)

-Disliking beginners, and beginner mistakes. (If the player is a beginner.) >:(

So, if you are capable to obey the rules above, i will be extremely delighted to have you in my team. There is no age- or skill-requirements, everyone is accepted. Also if your a beginner who would like to learn the basic and/or advanced gaming tips DON'T HESITATE TO JOIN! :)

You can contact me via Steam:

Steam name: Emperor of Finland

Dayz profile name: Make

And remember: Its not just about surviving, its about HOW you survive! B)

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