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I was banned from US 1799 because of my name.

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About a week ago, I was banned from server US 1799. I was playing on the server for a few days prior and found a couple atvs so I had already made that server my home. I have always played as "Midiouss" but on the day I was banned, I had changed my name to ".:MAD:. Midiouss". I was playing with three other friends tha had the ".:MAD:." in front of their name and our reason for doing so was because it was their minecraft clan and we wanted a way to instantly recognize enemy from foe if we aimed at one another. After playing together for hours, the admin sent a global message that said "You MAD boys looking for trouble?" We explained our reason for the clan tag and about 30 mins later, the server goes offline for about 20 mins. We kept checking to see if the server was online and when it finally was, we entered it. In the game, there were only about 3 others so we assumed one was the admin. Also, one of those 3 had a tag at the end of their name which was "LLTS". About 2 minutes later, we checked the player menu and there was 9 other LLTS members. Soon after noticing this, my squad was kicked from the game. Whenever we reconnect, we get the message "Battle Eye: Banned (MAD denying -3)" We honestly did nothing to deserve this. We put so much time into that server and had a really good camp along with 3 vehicles. Its unfair how people can do something like this just because they are "Admin" and have the power to do so. I will start picking my servers a lot more carefully.

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Let me join in, the Mod's great, the community however is full of c*nts and a**holes. A few days ago my group killed 3 clan members that attacked us with a car, we killed them, what did they do ? They kicked us, got back to their corpses by letting themselves get killed enough in order to spawn closer to their location of death and upon rejoining we were greeted with bullets..... bullsh*t. Might sound ridiculous to some, but admin rights on server should be severly limited...

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Let me join in, the Mod's great, the community however is full of c*nts and a**holes. A few days ago my group killed 3 clan members that attacked us with a car, we killed them, what did they do ? They kicked us, got back to their corpses by letting themselves get killed enough in order to spawn closer to their location of death and upon rejoining we were greeted with bullets..... bullsh*t. Might sound ridiculous to some, but admin rights on server should be severly limited...

I agree that some server admins are childish(to put it politely), but the server admins are the owners they pay for you to have a place to play, As a server owner myself i can tell you that our control over our own servers is, just the ability to kick, ban, start and stop the server. Some may abuse this power but like i said they pay for you to have a place to play so just find a server where the admins aren't dicks. I myself feel that we do not have enough power over our own servers and we are bound to the rules of kicking and banning set by Dayz, now if someone is abusing those powers record/screenshot and report these server owners and hopefully someone will get off there ass and make a effort to punish the server owners for breaking the rules set by Dayz.

If you are honestly concerned about the server owner banning you than you need to put a post in the server reporting area, but make sure you follow the reporting format so the dayz team will not just push it aside.

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I agree that some server admins are childish(to put it politely), but the server admins are the owners they pay for you to have a place to play, As a server owner myself i can tell you that our control over our own servers is, just the ability to kick, ban, start and stop the server. Some may abuse this power but like i said they pay for you to have a place to play so just find a server where the admins aren't dicks. I myself feel that we do not have enough power over our own servers and we are bound to the rules of kicking and banning set by Dayz, now if someone is abusing those powers record/screenshot and report these server owners and hopefully someone will get off there ass and make a effort to punish the server owners for breaking the rules set by Dayz.

If you are honestly concerned about the server owner banning you than you need to put a post in the server reporting area, but make sure you follow the reporting format so the dayz team will not just push it aside.

You have a point about the admins paying monthly so we can play on their servers. I understand your point of view, but DayZ is a game where people put massive amounts of time and effort into their character. Using your Admin privileges for your own gain might seem justified to you because you decided to pay for a server, but you should always determine if your actions are ethical. There was this time where I was kicked from a server for no apparent reason and when I logged into another server I was spawned on the island of Otmel. I was fully geared. I had to swim to the Chernarus shore just to play and doing so made me lose all of my equipment, For an Admin, kicking or banning someone is the simple click of a button, but for the innocent player it can determine whether he or she will even want to continue playing the game.

Edited by Midiouss

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