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Battleye logs not being used.

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So I created remoteexec.txt, .log, and vehiclespawn.txt and .log per this thread


I also added the text from this thread to the .txt files


I created the log files but there is nothing being logged in them. They are just empty. I also tried deleting the logs and battleye does not seem to be creating them as it should. What am I missing here?

Edited by BeowolfSchaefer

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Did u restart the server ?

Or use rcon to make battleye reload the scripts.. ?


U should have a look at scripts @ http://code.google.c...se/#git/filters

Yes I have restarted and tried loadscripts/loadevents multiple times. I also grabbed the files you linked though they are pretty much identical to the ones I had.

Edited by BeowolfSchaefer

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I would give it a few hours - it takes an event to create the log files.

I originally set it up like 2 days ago or so when the new battleye update was released.

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