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How bad is the hacking situation?

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I just started up the game just now and joined a random GB #500 server.

After about 3 minutes of gameplay I hear someone moving nearby me, naturally I quickly look around only to see no one. Second after I saw the smoke from a barrel and heard a silenced gun shoot. I was instantly killed.

Obviously this fella was invisible and shot me at point blank range in under 5 minutes of me joining. So I evidently lost all my gear.

Just makes me think, how big is the hacking issue right now? Is it really that bad? Can't you play for even 5 minutes without being killed by a hacker?

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Depending on which servers you play on, it can range from "not so bad at all" to "you're a sheep."

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Like i said before, i have not have that many bad experiances with hackers.

From the start of this game a couple of months ago i have encountered 3 times a hacker that did really bad, me ending up dead.

Actually 2 times i was dead because of hacker and 1 time i had just enough time to escape the killing in the debug desert.

So my opinion is that it is not that bad, its just the servers you go to, i have found a couple of servers, all NL servers, that are really nice to me, i must say that the servers are not that croweded tho, mostly about 10 to 15 players. I tend to stay away from the really popular high volume servers these days.

It will all be fine in a couple of weeks, don't worry, battle eye is doing a good job at the moment.

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Take your time and find a good community server, and you'll be fine. It's the servers that aren't heavily monitored that suffer the most. I rarely see script kiddies on the couple servers I bounce between.

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A few weeks ago I wouldve said: hackers? whats that? I only read about it on US servers so..

Now, however, my answer is: yes. it is that bad. Im guessing some larger numbers of my fellow Germans discovered the hack site that sells the shit.

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It depends on your luck but the hacking issue is pretty damn bad right now you really cant play for too long before you will be thunder domed, invisibly killed, encounter a god mode player or one of the other ingenious ways these *Exploit Deleted* Mother *Exploit Deleted* *Exploit Deleted**Exploit Deleted**Exploit Deleted* fuckers kills you. I have given up playing for now and i suggest unless your willing to hack yourself there is no point in playing this game as its just a waste of time you get nowhere and when you do get anywhere your dead shortly there after due to the sheer amount of hackers going around partly its because of the ease to which you can get access and impliment these hacks and partly is due to the slow reaction of the battle eye crowd to respond to this.

Edited by bobstefanio

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german servers and US have the most hackers from my experience. Just take that into account

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I dont think its to bad is it? Ive only seen 1 hacker that teleported me and alot of others into the air and we fell to our death

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Stay away from High populated Regular Servers atm.

Join near empty Server max. 20ppl and enjoy the game.

Im at Day 35 now and luckily Dont saw any Hacker.

If you want Shootouts and Firefights go play some Arma

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Ive seen a hacker every day this week

1st encounter, a guy asks for help. I check all aroudn with my thernal scope and even the tower next to the building im on

I look away for 3 seconds and get shot from the tower, my teamates tell me that someone is up there now.

I come back to find all our high tech gear there and see the 3 hackers teleporting after another survivor in the field. They realise im back and try to kill me but damm they are bad shots.

Then one appears next to me and I alt f4 out, im not facing those cowards as they teleport as soon as I shoot at them

2nd encounter

The same hackers follow us to another server. We again have our thermal scopes and no one is around, suddenly from close range we all get shot.

Again im the first back on the scene after new spawn and see a guy with a gilli suit standing over our bodies.

Get this.......he is now 500metres away and he suddenly turns and opens up on me and kills me, theres no way he could have known I was there when he was looking the other way and I was in cover behind a bush observing him. There was no one else around and he hit me with the first shot.

3rd encounter

Me and two teamates are waiting for 2 others to meet us when one of us gets shot, we fall back into the trees as we dont see the shooter. Next moment shots ring out from close by so we spilt up to lose the shooter. My other teamate is killed and im alone in the woods. Theres no one around when suddenly I hear shooting at me and they are REAL bad at it as well......

I run, unable to see the guy even with thermal, Im weaving like mad when the shots 'jump'

One second they are far away and then they are right on top of me, this continues for about 30 seconds where I spin around. Again I do a thermal sweep with my scope and no one is there and its an open field yet the shooting cant be more than 10 metres away. I see bullets hitting all around me so I alt f4 out (which Ive never done until these hackers)

Next thing I know, the two teamates we were meeting up with tell me the rest of the server is rapidly being killed off and that elektro no longer exists, only rubble and smoke cover the area now as a series of 'magical' explosions take out the city

4th encounter

We hear strange whispering over the mike, we put it down to a player trying to troll us, few minutes later we hear the most devestating explosion that leaves us all with ringing ears, it actually sounded like a nuke, ive never heard anything like it even when a player crashed a chopper or when buildings are blown up...........we quit the game instantly, not taking our chances this time

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Yes its that bad and worse! I can't seem to make it through a day without seeing some sign of hacking.

Last night I was on a dark server.. all of a sudden it was like a massive fireball filled the sky, lighting up everything around me for about 300m.. I look around and my entire west side was on fire.. took me about 10 mins to run past the fire light.

Benign issue, but I've seen much worse.. thunder dome, insta-death and other crap.

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SG #00

SG #500

US #00

US #500

GB #500

all get hacked constantly by hackers that make them their home servers. I thought they'd get bored after a day. Nope, they do it all day every day on the same servers

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Oh damn.. not 5 minutes of gear lost, just think there's people that have over 10+ days on their player and die from a hacker, just push on by with them, join near empty servers.

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Oh damn.. not 5 minutes of gear lost, just think there's people that have over 10+ days on their player and die from a hacker, just push on by with them, join near empty servers.

Oh damn.. not 5 minutes of gear lost, just think there's people that have over 10+ days on their player and die from a hacker, just push on by with them, join near empty servers.

I'm not talking about losing "5 minute gear" I'm talking about I got killed by a hacker before 5 minutes even past. I haven't been active in dayz a lot prior to today and I had rather nice gear. Not great but good enough for me with alice pack, a m24 & a closerange M4A1 gun. Rangefinder, nvg's & a GPS.

I just haven't played in some time and just a couple of minutes after I logged in some invisible hacker killed me.

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SG #00

SG #500

US #00

US #500

GB #500

all get hacked constantly by hackers that make them their home servers. I thought they'd get bored after a day. Nope, they do it all day every day on the same servers

Multiplay servers by the looks of it, I believe their admins have only just been given access to the script files, give them a little time to catch up.

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