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Big old suggestion list.

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  • 50-zed wandering hordes with a larger than normal aggro radius for vehicles.
  • Triple or even quadruple the zombie health, with headshots remaining a one-hit kill. Zeds being aggro'd create an "aggro radius" around them, for a domino effect that will get 10 zeds on you if you decide to shoot a single one in a main town. ("aggro radius" zeds don't create their own radius.)
  • Skills you can train, with no "easy way" to do it. Running gets you higher speed or stamina, shooting a lot of zeds gets you less aim shake, hipfiring gets you steadier hipfiring, etc. All of this passive and with no immediate "level up" reward. The idea is people realizing they lost their abilities only after they died and are now slow and shit at shooting, therefore giving them a better self preservation spirit.
  • Many more spawn points, scattered across the entirety of the map.
  • Grouping up before going into a server and having your entire group spawn in a single spot.
  • Ammo pooling for shotgun shells, and all shotgun shells being usable on any shotgun.
  • Multiple use food, water, and bandages, rarer than the normal ones.
  • A hospital in Zelenogorsk, and Stary Sobor.
  • Hospitals spawn a quarter of the amount of stuff they spawn currently.
  • Cars unused for more than 24 hours are moved back to a random spawnpoint.
  • An invisible wall between the "debug plains" and Chernarus proper.
  • "Friend" system. Be near a friend, both play a little animation on eachother at the same time, and both players now see eachother 's name when looking at eachother, in nice green lettering on the center of the screen. If both players have GPSes, they can see eachother on their GPSes and maps.
  • Reenable sidechat, and make it so players can opt-out of it. Same with death messages.
  • Remove tents until they work properly. Same with vehicles' gear.
  • Aggro radius is affected by the amount of players immediately near you. A group makes more noise than single people.
  • Ripping a Nightvision or Thermal scope off a gun and using it as a tool on your binoculars or tool slot. Needs a toolbox.

Edited by LatinGeek

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50 Zeds - Yes this NEEDS to be in the game

Zed hp - Yes body shots wouldnt stop a dead person

Skills- no but the fitness and stuff needs to be re-vamped (stamina)

One this I do agree with though is gun skill...unless you handled a gun and fired it then you wouldn't be a crack shot sniper at 800+m

Spawn points - yes boring spawning in same areas

Grouping - No will take to much of the thrill of finding friends out...

Ammo - agree

Multiple uses - Agree 100% if I was alone in the wilderness I would not down a full water can....

More Hospitals - Yeah, almost all big town/cities have hospitals

Hospital spawns - Yup 100% agree, post apocalypse medical suplies would be near enough gone

Cars unused - Why not lol dont see no harm in that, but would re-spawn broke?

Invisible wall - makes sense too lol

friend system - No will take too much away and cut down on teamwork

sidechat - cant see harm in not having it as long as you can block people

Tents - They kinda work lol

Group Noise - Yup this needs to be in game

Taking NVG from guns - Why? you can get NVG seperatly and the guns have scope?

Nice ideas


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Grouping - No will take to much of the thrill of finding friends out...

I don't really get what the thrill is, it's more of a "run straight in x direction for half an hour" which is just tedious.

friend system - No will take too much away and cut down on teamwork

I don't see how? If anything this helps teamwork, can't tell you the amount of times we've shot a friend within my group because he wasn't paying attention to a description over VOIP, or gotten shot trying to differentiate friend from foe. IRL you'd be able to tell apart your buddies from other people.

Taking NVG from guns - Why? you can get NVG seperatly and the guns have scope?

Suppose I don't have the rare-as-hell NVGs but found a FAL with a nightvision scope. FAL ammo is rare, and I already have a decent STANAG or AK type weapon. I wouldn't want to sacrifice 10 backpack slots just for the nightvision scope. Same goes for the L85, which is atrocious as an actual gun but has that nice dual NVG/Heatvision sight.

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Spawn points at random spots across the map, with a higher incidence at major sniper camping spots would be nice. Zombies would be wandering through the woods and hear the snipers shooting and come for dinner. Right now there is no threat for PVPers like the streamer Dymoxide hunting players from sniper hill.

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  • 50-zed wandering hordes with a larger than normal aggro radius for vehicles. Yep
  • Triple or even quadruple the zombie health, with headshots remaining a one-hit kill. Zeds being aggro'd create an "aggro radius" around them, for a domino effect that will get 10 zeds on you if you decide to shoot a single one in a main town. ("aggro radius" zeds don't create their own radius.) Yep
  • Skills you can train, with no "easy way" to do it. Running gets you higher speed or stamina, shooting a lot of zeds gets you less aim shake, hipfiring gets you steadier hipfiring, etc. All of this passive and with no immediate "level up" reward. The idea is people realizing they lost their abilities only after they died and are now slow and shit at shooting, therefore giving them a better self preservation spirit. Nope
  • Many more spawn points, scattered across the entirety of the map. Yep
  • Grouping up before going into a server and having your entire group spawn in a single spot. Yep for new spawns, Fuck no for existing characters
  • Ammo pooling for shotgun shells, and all shotgun shells being usable on any shotgun. Only if all the shotguns in the game take the same cartridge. They do currently, but more weapons may be added later
  • Multiple use food, water, and bandages, rarer than the normal ones. Nope, existing system forces people to venture
  • A hospital in Zelenogorsk, and Stary Sobor. Don't care either way
  • Hospitals spawn a quarter of the amount of stuff they spawn currently. Yep
  • Cars unused for more than 24 hours are moved back to a random spawnpoint. Nope, unless outside the map
  • An invisible wall between the "debug plains" and Chernarus proper.Yep, once it's impossible to teleport to the debug plains upon login
  • "Friend" system. Be near a friend, both play a little animation on eachother at the same time, and both players now see eachother 's name when looking at eachother, in nice green lettering on the center of the screen. If both players have GPSes, they can see eachother on their GPSes and maps. Only if you both have a GPS, could be a GPS sync option. If normal characters, hell no
  • Reenable sidechat, and make it so players can opt-out of it. Same with death messages. Yep
  • Remove tents until they work properly. Same with vehicles' gear. Nope, how will you know if they work properly if they arent in the game to be tested?
  • Aggro radius is affected by the amount of players immediately near you. A group makes more noise than single people. Yep
  • Ripping a Nightvision or Thermal scope off a gun and using it as a tool on your binoculars or tool slot. Needs a toolbox. As long as the attachments are rare as fuck, sure

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  • 50-zed wandering hordes with a larger than normal aggro radius for vehicles.Hordes should be randomly roaming as is. Woods, apartments, buildings...taking away the 'safety' of those areas.
  • Triple or even quadruple the zombie health, with headshots remaining a one-hit kill. Zeds being aggro'd create an "aggro radius" around them, for a domino effect that will get 10 zeds on you if you decide to shoot a single one in a main town. ("aggro radius" zeds don't create their own radius. Agreed. Leg shots to slow them down, arm shots to slow attacks, headshots to kill. Also agree on the domino effect. A mindless zombie seeing another one all raged out is going to get all ragey himself, even if he has no idea why.
  • Skills you can train, with no "easy way" to do it. Running gets you higher speed or stamina, shooting a lot of zeds gets you less aim shake, hipfiring gets you steadier hipfiring, etc. All of this passive and with no immediate "level up" reward. The idea is people realizing they lost their abilities only after they died and are now slow and shit at shooting, therefore giving them a better self preservation spirit. A bit MMO'ish. Would rather them polish other areas of the game.
  • Many more spawn points, scattered across the entirety of the map. I'd settle for respawning in the same quadrant I just died in. Nothing like dying in NWAF and spawning in Otmel...
  • Grouping up before going into a server and having your entire group spawn in a single spot. I dont see how this would be worked out without being imbalanced. Essentially would be used to 'teleport' groupmates to one person.
  • Ammo pooling for shotgun shells, and all shotgun shells being usable on any shotgun.Throw them onto a vest option or leg pouches. Not sure on the pooling, but shouldnt take up valuable backpack space.
  • Multiple use food, water, and bandages, rarer than the normal ones. Nah, leave as is.
  • A hospital in Zelenogorsk, and Stary Sobor.
  • Hospitals spawn a quarter of the amount of stuff they spawn currently. take away random med supply spawns outside of hospitals as well.
  • Cars unused for more than 24 hours are moved back to a random spawnpoint.
  • An invisible wall between the "debug plains" and Chernarus proper.
  • "Friend" system. Be near a friend, both play a little animation on eachother at the same time, and both players now see eachother 's name when looking at eachother, in nice green lettering on the center of the screen. If both players have GPSes, they can see eachother on their GPSes and maps As somoene else mentioned...linked GPS option only. Name of 'friend' on screen that is in your field of view. You'd be able to tell your friends apart IRL.
  • Reenable sidechat, and make it so players can opt-out of it. Same with death messages. On the fence on this one.
  • Remove tents until they work properly. Same with vehicles' gear.
  • Aggro radius is affected by the amount of players immediately near you. A group makes more noise than single people.
  • Ripping a Nightvision or Thermal scope off a gun and using it as a tool on your binoculars or tool slot. Needs a toolbox. Nah, wouldnt be common knowledge on how to "rip" these types of electronics off of an item and rewire them to be used on your common binoculars.

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