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chris p. bacon

Can the DayZ staff do rollbacks?

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Probably just derping, but can the DayZ staff rollback a player's account or a server? To help with the hacking problem?

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Nope :P

if they could everyone who died would ask for a roll back.

^^ Not saying this is the reason, but it could be a reason NOT to :)

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Probably too much data, perhaps when standalone is fully released they may have a service for that but through alpha and beta the game is for testing and you could lose your gear at any moment anyway.

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"A Project like this always have some backups"

Sure they can if they want too but....Only the Entire Database.

Youre playing an open Alpha atm,and all the Crap going on at the moment needs to be logged and addresed.

You cant fight or make things better if you dont know whats going on.

Edited by nicebasi

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I'm not on or affiliated with the dev team, but....

Imagine what this would entail. They would have to constantly save the state of your character. That would be like having a record of your entire character for every "roll back" point. Any variable that could differ at any moment would have to be reference able.

There are less brutal ways to do it than to save the entire character every time, but imagine the impact.

Even if the "roll back" points were every time a character connects, and then only... What are we at, for players in the last 24 hours? Add that up, day by day, along with new players... There'd be billions of records in short order.

So, my guess is that your latest character is referenced. It's just too heavy on the database thats actually tracking the data.

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