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UK230 - Forest Running Simulator

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Hi all,

UK 230 is a relatively new server without a truly established clan of hoarders, yet. Meaning that most vehicles are dotted around the map, saved by single players or small groups. Just this morning in fact, I found a quad parked in a shed near Komarovo as a newly spawned character.

Whilst I cannot guarantee a hack-free experience, I can guarantee you that there will be NO admin abuse on our server. We have a grand total of four admins (my brother and two friends), which cover most of the day/evening, whom have been given a specific set of rules:

- No hoarding vehicles

- No duping

- Absolutely no admin abuse, whatsoever.

Yesterday, we made the collective decision to roll back to as tents/vehicles weren't saving after the regular server restarts ( I understand everyone's having this problem since This caused many of our regular players to vanish. As such, we've rolled back until the next patch, in which I assume we'll have a fix for that problem!

So, without rambling on for too long, the details are as follows:

Server : DayZ - UK230 ( - ROLLBACK/95883) (Veteran|3D:ON|CH:ON) dayzmod.com - Forest Running Simulator 2012

IP :

Email : [email protected]

Server restarts twice daily, at 8am and 8pm GMT

Come and join us! :)

Edited by MoxMono
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Do you give a warning before a server restart?

Server restarts twice daily, at 8am and 8pm GMT

That's a pretty advanced warning ;)

Seriously though, if you're talking about non-scheduled restarts, then yes. I always give at least 2 minutes notice prior to a restart via Global chat.

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sounds nice try to update to .5 and ill play when you fix the problem

The problem isn't with our server, it's all servers I believe. Tents and vehicles (specifically them saving to the hive after a restart) are bugged in this version, so we rolled back to prevent losing the consistency that these two elements bring.

Edited by MoxMono

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I have been frequenting this server and have had no hassle. I'm pretty sure the server is at again, am I right? I haven't noticed any restarts either, what does a server restart affect?

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