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Pro's and Con's of being an official server admin.

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Good evening fellow admins, players.

I would like to ask a question to the community about what are the pro's and con's of being a server admin.

About a 2 weeks ago I had purchased the right to host a dayz server from a rental company (clanforge) to which I am currently paying nearly $100 USD to host per month.

Honestly what are the pro's of dishing out money to the companies if the only power I wield to fend of the hackers is to just simply "restart" my server!?

I cannot kick/ban, audit my players logs to check for suspicious activity. I can't even ban a hacker who is turning people into animals, teleporting people and executing them for vehicles, and even flying around!!! sans helicopter around supposedly "my" server.

I can list a trail a mile long about the cons, but I cannot even bring up a single pro to being a loyal admin of an official server of the dayz mod's who developed this fine game.

I still and will refuse to host a private hive server and I wish to still support the dayz mods but humbly request that more work be done on the admin side of the mod itself.

Edited by Renock82
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I agree, I've been hosting US 234 and I went months without a hacker. Then, in the last 3 days every hour either everyone dies, or jason shows up. I'm on the edge just to shut it down. It's not worth it.

Spending hours to get loot because a Zed killed me is part of the game, getting killed every 30min because of a hacker is not.

I have people constantly join our Teamspeak asking "admin there is a hacker" and all i can say is "well GG have fun, want a restart of the server?"

Edited by Halfgod85
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I agree with your decision to shut your server down.

I too am at my wits end. it's only been my first month and I cannot understand why anyone would be required to pay $100 to host a server they cannot control due to the impositions of the dayz mod's.

which was the official response from multiplay/clanforge.

If we have to follow such ridiculious terms/rules that dayz is imposing on us, why should we pay for servers so they can moderate us in the wallet?

I apologize for the rant, but I am pretty frustrated at the shackles imposed on myself and other admins of official servers.

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Nobody forcing you to be a server admin =]

I agree with you too friend.

But I grew tired of being kicked from majority of the private servers and abusive admins public/private.

Decided to give hosting a shot, and kicking myself in the ass that I spent money so the hosting companies and dayz mods can pocket from our generosity.

Edited by Renock82

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clearly the rules of this devs-mod is protecting hackers and doesn't worth pay hundred dollars per month for a alpha.

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Nobody forcing you to be a server admin =]

So sick of hearing this..

No, nobody is forcing us to host.

We WANT to host a server to provide a quality place for people to have fun with the mod, which we can't do because of rampant hacking.

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Nobody forcing you to be a server admin =]

clearly he's trolling you

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I cannot kick/ban, audit my players logs to check for suspicious activity. I can't even ban a hacker who is turning people into animals, teleporting people and executing them for vehicles, and even flying around!!! sans helicopter around supposedly "my" server.

Cannot or cannot be bothered? Because that's what you need to do to start clearing the cheaters from your server.

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There are tools Admin can use that automatically ban for a multitude of actions.

I bought a new server (wanted a fresh start) and started using a nice suite of tools...

...server's been up nearly 12 hours and already three dozen GUID bans.

It's a real shame Admin don't do a little research and arm themselves against problems.

Sure, no rcon toolset is going to be perfect but holy shit, three dozen bans in 12 hours is fucking awesome.

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But it isn't only the admin who does nothing or say can't do anything. There are a lot of Hosting companies out there which doesn't give you the proper access to logs and restrict nearly anything, only letting the paying admin restart his server or adjusting the game difficulty.

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Then find a better host.

I already have. But what i wanted to say is that how can a "rookie" admin see the difference between a good hoster and a bad one?

The most are just looking at the price tag.

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I already have. But what i wanted to say is that how can a "rookie" admin see the difference between a good hoster and a bad one?

The most are just looking at the price tag.

I guess they need to ask the potential GSP a few question before signing on the dotted line. Same as when you purchase any 'service'

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Nobody forcing you to be a server admin =]

Indeed. We're shutting down our server too due to the impossibility of actually admining it.

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I already have. But what i wanted to say is that how can a "rookie" admin see the difference between a good hoster and a bad one?

The most are just looking at the price tag.

Unfortunately most server hosts who rent out their servers prohibit the configuration of 80% of the config files associated with said game.

RCon is an impossibility with these server rentals, as they do not allow it.

I broached the subject with a few other companies and as it stands, it's not officially supported by dayz, therefore they are mandated to not include it; along with the other demands dayz mods have imposed on these companies.

Just made the decision of shutting down my server, time expires in 30 days. done ranting and leaving it at that.

The game is in a sad state, dayz mods have absolutely no excuse to say the game is still in alpha. If they give back our abilities to properly mod the servers I'm sure the player base will be as it once was.

Edited by Renock82

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