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They will address racism but not rape?

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So correct me if I am wrong. Racism is not acceptable in these forums, but sexism and wishing for the ability to rape a women IS?

Apocalypse = mass rape

wouldn't be "realistic" without it. especially when everyone in the forum keep harping on about realism.

Apocalypse = mass rape

wouldn't be "realistic" without it. especially when everyone in the forum keep harping on about realism.

personally' date=' i would love rape in game, along with children survivors/ zombies, and torture.

i would like to see just how far a game like that would go, not much i suppose

I can just see now. Rape. Its coming....

When choosing a woman skin' date=' does it give you the option to make sandwiches?? You know, like an extra advantage to survive and stuff :)


I am not going to stop playing this game, but I would like this addressed publicly the way racism and hate speech is.

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Even if spammed, it's a valid concern. Sexism is no different than racism: The hatred or will to exploit someone different.

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what then hell is that mess of an op supposed to be showing? (edit: i see you cleaned it up, disregard)

From the looks of it, people discussing rape as a game mechanic (they never mention raping female characters specifically) and i do believe it would happen more in apocalypse scenario, as it does in lawless areas and war zones.

the only sexist comment was the dude asking if picking female skin allowed you to make sandwiches.

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Someones obviously obsessed with rape

Only intrigued by why one subject is not ok but the other is? they closed my post addressing a social issue to have it closed, but all these other posts where it is quoted are active and ok, but if someone uses hate speech or racism it is put a stop to.

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what then hell is that mess of an op supposed to be showing? (edit: i see you cleaned it up' date=' disregard)

From the looks of it, people discussing rape as a game mechanic (they never mention raping female characters specifically) and i do believe it would happen more in apocalypse scenario, as it does in lawless areas and war zones.

the only sexist comment was the dude asking if picking female skin allowed you to make sandwiches.


Not that I agree to hate crimes or hate speeches, but that would also be something that happens in a post apocalyptic environment, should they allow that as well?

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There is no such thing as virtual rape. You can't say the same for race injury.

There, was I simple enough for you, friendo?! Got through your head?

Great. Enough with the rape extravaganza now.

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If it is in game and in character then yes, they should allow it.

talking about the hate crimes and stuff. if someone in game decides to start the in game kkk and go around killing players with black skins they should be aloud to. it is horribly racist but maybe they are roleplaying a horribly racist person. as long as it doesnt flow into global chat or real life insults it is okay in my opinion.

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There is no such thing as virtual rape. You can't say the same for race injury.

There' date=' was I simple enough for you, friendo?! Got through your head?

Great. Enough with the rape extravaganza now.


So you fully support the removal of all racist and hateful speech in this forum because that might actually hurt someones feelings? And you think that talking about implementing rape into a game is ok?

Seems a little questionable.

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If it is in game and in character then yes' date=' they should allow it.

talking about the hate crimes and stuff. if someone in game decides to start the in game kkk and go around killing players with black skins they should be aloud to. it is horribly racist but maybe they are roleplaying a horribly racist person. as long as it doesnt flow into global chat or real life insults it is okay in my opinion.


Well, guess Rocket better start putting KKK hoods in the game, start the suggestion thread dude.

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Let me put my head in front of the proverbial gun and state two things.

I will not tolerate juvenile sexism on the boards. If I see it, you'll get a warn - not because I'm liable to be offended, but because I'm not 15, in middle school or angry that my crush won't notice me. At the same time, while the posters you've quoted are talking about rape, they are making observations that are honest. An apocalypse would come with a raft of sexual assaults (not limited to women). It is their immaturity that leads to thei off handedness about it. They are the type of people who tell dead baby jokes to female strangers in the hopes of making them laugh. I do not agree with the way they expressed this observation, and I believe one of them has been spoken to. The community is still new at the moment, and it's wild. The introduction of female skins was bound to cause a conversation like this, and I'm glad it has.

In any case, we'll be looking out for sexism just as much as racism. We are volunteers, and I myself moderate while at work, so it's hard to be everywhere at once, but we do out best.

Similarly, these boards are not Reddit - they're not politically correct because the game isn't politically correct. DayZ is about autonomy and the chance to make good and evil, smart and moronic decisions. We want to capture that liberty (for instance the bandit forum being solely about torturing and robbing) to discuss, but not promote vile acts. Obviously that too is an interpretable line.

Also, the "hilarious" replies the OP is getting are far more likely to get you warned, so cut that shit out quick or edit yourself before you wreck yourself.

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If zombies took over the planet, i would rape.. And you would too. Keep it real.

Its not sexist, its realistic. In a wild world, crazy shit is bound to happen

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If zombies took over the planet' date=' i would rape..

Its not sexist, its realistic. In a wild world, crazy shit is blint to happen


Now you're talking about something outside of the game, and that's just wrong.

I hope her pussy troll bites it off.

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DayZ mod has spoken.

I hope the community considers maturing up a bit as a result. ALL kinds of crime would increase in an apocalypse, not just specific ones. It's one of the reasons DayZ is so open as a sandbox, there are no rules because there would be no rules. That is irrefutable, but this forum is not in the middle of an apocalypse, and really DayZ isn't going to be a mod where all kinds of crime are possible, just the killing and looting stuff you see in movies. DayZ is not a "crime" simulator, plain and simple, get over it and grow up.

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Did you really thought there was a chance that rape was going to be implemented in the game?

Seriously' date=' grow up.


Would be interesting.. Lol

Whats next after virtual rape?

I can only imagine..

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Someones obviously obsessed with rape

Only intrigued by why one subject is not ok but the other is? they closed my post addressing a social issue to have it closed' date=' but all these other posts where it is quoted are active and ok, but if someone uses hate speech or racism it is put a stop to.


Why is killing ok but kid killing not ok even though it has been shown kids can be just as evil or if not more evil in books movies and games?

Why is killing ok but rape not ok?

Why is torture not ok but killing ok?

Well answer me this why is porn and what not called dirty and nasty but showing people getting chopped up and what not in life like gruesome manners ok?

Simple answer people are fucking backwards hypocrites....it is just that simple. IMO torture and rape makes sense for this but um children...no its just fact the zombies would get them first they are weak and stupid.

To anyone who is against this post and its opinion of how rape and torture is not ok in a game where you can kill for fun and kill for supplies. You have serious issues.

Ya see people are so used to the whole Killing thing but oh no look you can rape another player....male or female...that is "sick" but killing for fun is ok it is the same logic right of how its "just a game" so why should it feel wrong huh?

Plus to all you who disagree with that kind of stuff yet like this game and also cry out how you want realism....your a hypocrite.

IMO I don't care to focus on these things but when they are brought up i think it is ridiculous how i see peopel saying OMG NOT COOL or EWW NASTY but oh ya killing is ok killing is the WORST OF THEM ALL yet its the one thats ok...i find it so "funny" in the "its so messed up i cant help but laugh at the madness" sort of thing...

Well that is all

Did you really thought there was a chance that rape was going to be implemented in the game?

Seriously' date=' grow up.


Ironic...since grown ups are aware that rape happens and humans are not benevolent peace keepers but actually caged animals and once the cage called society is gone then well all you have is the animal...

At least smart grown ups know that.

Did you really thought there was a chance that rape was going to be implemented in the game?

Seriously' date=' grow up.


Would be interesting.. Lol

Whats next after virtual rape?

I can only imagine..

Virtual psychos who wear the other players skin...oh wait DEAR GOD HE SKIPPED A STEP...oh god i chuckled myself.

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Yes just describing a virtual rape in detail is enough to outrage and deeply hurt some individuals. ANYONE I see on chat describing such a horrendous act will be reported immediately and I hope will be IP banned. Imagine if someone suffered such act in real life and then had to relive it in the game world because some insensitive creep wanted to get their kicks. IT MUST BE STAMPED OUT.

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Yes just describing a virtual rape in detail is enough to outrage and deeply hurt some individuals. ANYONE I see on chat describing such a horrendous act will be reported immediately and I hope will be IP banned. Imagine if someone suffered such act in real life and then had to relive it in the game world because some insensitive creep wanted to get their kicks. IT MUST BE STAMPED OUT.

I would hope anyone that's been raped would avoid playing a game that included rape the same as they would avoid a movie that included a rape.

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But rape isnt in the game, and i seriously doubt the developers will put it into the game, because all they did was introduce a female skin to give the players variety.

On that note, being female, big thing on my list should there ever be a zombie apocolypse is to run around cutting off yer dicks to make sausages for dinner. You kinda deserve it too, no? :)

wouldent even be hard.

Oh hi thar. We need to procreate to ensure us humans dont go extinct! come here baby!



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