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US 2030 Dallas

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First instance

Friend and I logged in just north of Chernogorsk to see a helicopter hovering fairly close to where we were. Not sure what they were doing but we watched them for a minute before engaging. Shot one bandit out of the side, the helicopter proceeded to fly away only to come back about 30 seconds later and crash into the hillside. The players were still alive and required half a clip to kill the remaining two, we then proceed to die with no reason whatsoever. Gear lost included a DMR, NV goggles, GPS, M16, M4, etc. Sad to see it go.

Second instance

Figured the hacking was done, thought it was cool to log back in since we had nothing. Find Chernogorsk and Elektrogorsk on fire, get killed by a couple of people with cars. They then proceed to drive around the server. I didn't really care about staying alive so I held up in a church and fire station in Elektro, kill approximately 60 zombies before randomly dying again.

I would suggest avoiding this server at all costs, disappointing to lose such valuable loot in such illegitimate ways.

Names of people on heli were Sam, someone that had a name that started with F_ and another short name. Other incident occurred, but those three were not on server.

Edited by Malhiem

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Thanks! We have weaved out most of the cheating. Pretty soon, we should be connecting a global server ban config through most networked servers. If this does go in affect (at the moment we are speculating) this will prevent proven hackers from joining US 2030, and many others in the network. In addition, any cheating should be reported in real-time either in this thread by commenting below, or our official thread for US 2030 Dallas - DayZBuzz.com.

TeamSpeak Access to contact myself or anyother Server Admin: - This is a private, INVITE ONLY community.

Make sure you mention your DayZ Mod Forum name to the admins or your in-game name in current real-time when reporting issues or cheating.

Edited by leadz

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