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US 1365 Deleted our Camp?

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Me and a friend were playing on US 1365, and have been on there regularly for the past few days. we set up a camp in the north and decided to settle down on this server and start stockpiling items so we have some gear to fall back on if we die. we had a fairly nice amount of gear between the two of us, but we decided to go int the NWAF and loot it since our camp was fairly close and i have been hunting for an SVD Camo for EVER. so anyway we get to the airfield and we find a large enclosure in the middle of the airfield, so we go inside and investigate. We found inside a bunch of crates with every single gun inside that some hacker had spawned (EDIT: i saw some youtube videos and found it was was probably the thunderdome?). we got a few supplies like food and water bottles, and after being unable to resist temptation we grab some of the nice guns inside to put in our camp so we could go out and be a little less conservative in battle, since we wouldnt lose EVERYTHING if we die. anyway later on everyone was kicked from the server, and our camp and aparently every other tent in the server was wiped clean, and we lost all our gear, legit and non legit. i know Rocket said that if a hacker spawns himself gear and you get it from them, without scripting it in for yourself then its fair game. i understand the server owner doesnt want people to have those guns, but the enclosure was up for almost the entire day, and its not our faults that it was there. should he be allowed to just wipe everything we have? i mean i get he pays for the server and everything but i dont think he should be allowed to just strip us of ALL our gear because OTHER players are hacking, and we had 2 AS50s legit from snipers in elektro so i mean how long is it going to take us to get that stuff back? it feels shitty that he has total control over everything we have just because we entrust our camp on his server. I do not think this was fair to us and the other people on the server, i have been killed and lost everything from hackers countless times, and now ive lost even more gear because for one time in my experiences playing DayZ, we had a chance to benefit from hackers, rather than get our character randomly killed and reset every day. it seems a little extreme to just trash all our stuff and we are regulars on the server, he has even contacted us a few times in his "admin side chat channel", but its seems silly that we cannot comunicate back, and we lose all our stuff because he decided we should.

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doesnt belong in general forums

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server admins can't wipe tents otherwise there would be NO issue about tents duping etc :D

Most likely after server is restarted again you will get your tents back, probably empty since saving is pretty much fubared....

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