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Roshi (DayZ)

Aussie and New Zealand servers?

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Hi all - just wanted to get a heads up if possible regarding what's happening with the Australian and New Zealand servers? Haven't seen the Aussie one for a wgile, and the Kiwi one only intermittently. I appreciate that the servers are a privelege not a right so asking with an understanding of the costs and hassles involved in running one.

Ps for those without a passport, New Zealand is a small island nation off the coast of Transylvania that is under the auspices of the King of Australia...

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  'relentless said:

This is the thread that should give you most of the info your after


Looks like its in the works but will rely mainly on donations because of the bandwidth requirements. So if you want to have a server' date=' flick a few dollars towards it :)


Cheers mate - will do!

Ps sorry for the double post!

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