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Random died but got all my stats

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Okay hello everybody, my character (when this problem happen) is 13 days old, and I had some really good loot, but I magicly lost it...

Ah, you are proberly thinking that I died and now I'm crying because I want my gear back? Hehe nope :) tbh I don't really care since I've got a M16 (like the assault rifle I had before the glitch) and a DMR...

But anyways! The problem I have/had is:

Me and a friend was joining a server, when I was almost in the game (I could see the icons and the chat, but I wasn't IN the game yet, I couldn't move nor see the environment) and then my friend asked if I died, I said I wasn't even logged in yet, then he pointed out that in the chat it said "IAmDrNoLife was killed".

I then disconnected because my screen was stuck on black, then I reconnected another server, and I spawned in some glitched island (a island with no tall grass, only the grass texture, also no trees nor anything... Only me and 3 other players... I could move, but they were standing still...) my friend then told me to reconnected, so I did that, and I spawned in the wilderness (east of Kamenka) this time... But with no... Damm... Gear.. At... All, nothing, not even a backpack or a flashlight...

One more thing; I still got all my stats (blood, zombie kills, headshots, murderes Etc...) and it still says Day 13... So I lost all my stuff, but still got my stats (and also still got my ghillie suit).

But yeah, this is my story on how I lost all my gear, but it doesn't really matter that much... Except the two pair of NVG's I lost -.-'...

---Some of the stuff I lost---

1 M16A2 with 7 (or 6, can't remember) STANAG magazines.

1 M14 AIM with 3 DMR magazines.

2 Maps

2 Compass'

1 Allice backpack

and the worst:

2 Night Vision Goggles...

As I've said earlier, I don't really care about my weapon and stuff, only thing I'm really pissed about is the NVG's, but oh well :/

Anyways, I just wanted to tell you this, and maybe some of you have expierenced the same issue?

Oh yeah, one more thing: I'm so sorry for any typos, english is not my native language.

Edited by DrNoLife

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Yeah iv had the same thing happen yesterday funny thing is i died looking for new gear X2 :( 3rd life i i had a bit of luck getting gear a bit faster i switched servers and proceeded to a tent location i had found a day before and happened to be my last save point before the glitch happened well i ran up to the tent i could hear the fly's buzzing i look under the tree and low and behold it was a corpse kitted out with some nice goodie's i loot the body of everything then i had the urge to study the body and it came up with my name i was like WTF!!! outer body experience? lol anyway got all my shit back and im happy. on a side note my humanity has carried on from my first body is that normal? i got 2 murders in this life it dropped down to 500, next time i logged in it was back up to the 4000 mark again.

Edited by Shifty Shellshock

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You have to expect this kind of thing there are so many bugs. Honestly once you detach yourself from your gear the game is way more fun to play.

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You have to expect this kind of thing there are so many bugs.

Yeah I know, and I do understand it's still an alpha, but... Yeah, oh well :/

Honestly once you detach yourself from your gear the game is way more fun to play.

Yeah that is correct, but as I said earlier, I don't really care (only about my NVG's :/)...

Edited by DrNoLife

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We all know that dayz is an alpha and most likeley bugged. I have no Problem with dieing and loosing my stuff. But this happens way too often. Before the newest patch it happend maybe once in a week that i died on login and spawned on the coast (kepft all your stuff just had to ran all the way up to the north again). now it happens to me every 1-2 days + all ur gear is gone. thats just extremely anoying :(

please fix this issue with the next patch. please please cant play like this

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lol just happened to me again what a fuckshow!!!! seriously its like dayz is in full reverse i mean when i first started playing never had any issues for every patch they bring out since i started its like there is more issues than fixes.

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It's true these problems are frustrating. If they are too much to handle then maybe it's better to walk away from the game for a while and come back once it is closer to complete.

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Same thing happened to me i had m16 with grenade launcher too xD. Anyways i was like really pissed and everything than i just ran to where i was (FAR north) and found my body there, just picked it up, oh and how i got out of wilderness, connected to other server spawned at like elektro, went out and joined again and was in kamenka..

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same thing to me... NVG, g17, ak74 kobra coyote backpack(fuuuuck it's so raaaare) camo, gps, atv. Oh well.

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