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Bandit for hire

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I'm looking to tag up with fellow bandits. My wages are to be paid in blood. My "resume":

  1. I'm fluent in English. I dun tooype lake dis eithder.
  2. Age: 20 years old
  3. I've accumulated all, if not most, of the best gear in the game so I won't stab you in the back and will gladly give up my kill's loot.
  4. I like to murder people?

My requirements:

  1. Group or individual must have a mic to communicate
  2. Mature, preferably something like 17+
  3. Not be assholes
  4. Know the basics of the game at least

Skype: Casual_007

I have teamspeak and can get/use other programs no problem.

Edited by Casual007

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I can download and install it no problem, I'm interested.

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if your looking to do some hunting me an a small group of people use a chat client called C3 we could always use a sniper to help on raiding missions if your interested pm me

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Elysium Cops is always looking. Feel free to join us in teamspeak or at one of our servers.

Teamspeak: elysiumcorps.com

Server US 1023

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