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Dr Wasteland MD

The Coalition - Changing the Culture of DayZ

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wait,they added fruit snacks to the game? awesome!

Fruit Snacks were never added, they fortunately purchased the game.


You (or anyone else) will never be safe(er,) and you will always live in hell.

I'll personally make sure of that.

Edited by Heaves

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Fruit Snacks were never added, they fortunately purchased the game.

You (or anyone else) will never be safe(er,) and you will always live in hell.

I'll personally make sure of that.

I like you Heaves I like you a lot; ALL MUST DIE MOOOO-HA-HA-HA-HA !!

Come join me in my thread comrade and we will see to the destruction of this pathetic coalition...


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haha! For someone who has never played the game, you sure talk big. I have over 250 hours of experience between arma2 and dayz.. Please buy the game so I can take you to school little boy. Lol!

Thanks for the laughs though.. It was getting a little too serious in here. ;)

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As a former Guardian Angel turned bandit (due to lack of snipers and constantly getting shot) I admire what you guys are doing.

You have my beans, but rest assured I am coming for you.

I am about to start looking through the forms, but could you make the medics easier to identify at a glance?

(I respect them and id rather not shoot them if it can be avoided)

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haha! For someone who has never played the game, you sure talk big. I have over 250 hours of experience between arma2 and dayz.. Please buy the game so I can take you to school little boy. Lol!

I'm not going to lie to you, your experience means absolutely nothing. I'm a spectre, I would put two in your forehead before you even realized I was on your server.

Thanks for the laughs though.. It was getting a little too serious in here. ;)

(Out of character)

No problem. :)

Games these DayZ (pun intended) are missing a certain spark, and I like to keep things interesting. Smack-talk, murder lists, and the lot are always fun. :)

Edited by Heaves

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I'm not going to lie to you, your experience means absolutely nothing. I'm a spectre, I would put two in your forehead before you even realized I was on your server.

I somehow doubt that.. considering you would wash up on the coast with nothing but a bandage and some pills, I'm pretty sure I could locate you before you even had a chance to find a weapon.. that said, I would probably stalk you until you found one and *then* kill you, because I have never killed an unarmed survivor before, and I don't intend to start now..

(Out of character)

No problem. :)

Games these DayZ (pun intended) are missing a certain spark, and I like to keep things interesting. Smack-talk, murder lists, and the lot are always fun. :)

Gotta agree with you there! ;)

Edited by Cyanyde

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I'm pretty sure I could locate you

Pretty sure?

To even have a slim chance against someone like me, you would need far more confidence than that.

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Is this still happening? Last Resistance (http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/75349-last-resistance-recruiting-final-thread/ )clan was liking to take part in this if you still need more man power. I now CQF has lost alot of man power with most kids leaving. Where still active and if this is going on would love joining. RedFaction invited us to this. I'm wondering.

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Pretty sure?

To even have a slim chance against someone like me, you would need far more confidence than that.

Okay, I am absolutely positive that my L85A2 AWS would spot you a mile away.

I'm 100% sure that you wouldn't stand a chance.

That better? ;)

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attention mebers of the coilition:

our proud leader have been targetedby bandits we must protect them

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attention mebers of the coilition:

our proud leader have been targetedby bandits we must protect them

Cruwlity/Metzgyr? That guy's nothing to worry about

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Probationary Member organizations:

[ForH] Fort Haven

97th ADU


Sins of Man

Last Resistance

Wow, lots of new people coming in!! Welcome

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Fort Haven would like to cordially invite the Coalition members to an event we're hosting tonight. I'd rather not disclose full details of the event on this forum so if you have any questions please send me a PM and I'll be happy to answer them. The event starts at 7.30pm BST (1.30pm CDT) with an approximate end time of 10pm BST (4pm CDT). We'll be using our mumble server for voice communication, if you don't have those details then again please PM me and I'll be happy to share them with you.

All the best and we look forward to seeing some of you,


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Probationary Member organizations:

[ForH] Fort Haven

97th ADU


Sins of Man

Last Resistance

Wow, lots of new people coming in!! Welcome

Only knew about Fort Haven, this is awesome.

Fort Haven would like to cordially invite the Coalition members to an event we're hosting tonight. I'd rather not disclose full details of the event on this forum so if you have any questions please send me a PM and I'll be happy to answer them. The event starts at 7.30pm BST (1.30pm CDT) with an approximate end time of 10pm BST (4pm CDT). We'll be using our mumble server for voice communication, if you don't have those details then again please PM me and I'll be happy to share them with you.

All the best and we look forward to seeing some of you,


Doh! Just noticed this now. Can't make it but hope the event goes awesome!

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Only knew about Fort Haven, this is awesome.

Doh! Just noticed this now. Can't make it but hope the event goes awesome!

We had to cancel unfortunately as one of our guys got shot about 5 mins before the event was due to start so obviously hunting his killer(s) down took precedence. We'll be re-hosting the event another day though, I'll post here when I know when we'll be going ahead with it :)

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Fort Haven has called an emergency meeting for tonight, September 2nd at 6pm BST (12pm CDT) to 7.30pm BST (1.30pm CDT) to discuss some important matters. We'd like to cordially invite members of the Coalition to our mumble server as we'll be discussing some Coalition related matters.

Thanks and look forward to seeing a few of you online!

All the best,


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Fort Haven has called an emergency meeting for tonight, September 2nd at 6pm BST (12pm CDT) to 7.30pm BST (1.30pm CDT) to discuss some important matters. We'd like to cordially invite members of the Coalition to our mumble server as we'll be discussing some Coalition related matters.

Thanks and look forward to seeing a few of you online!

All the best,


I am on the road back into my hometown but it will not be until very close to the meeting that I will arrive home. Would you please send me the server details I need to know via PM so I can joim you all withoit being late? Many thanks comrade.

{CQF} Private First Class Demyan

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Hey guys. Let me first say that I absolutely love this idea. I looked into joining some of the member organizations but due to my work schedule I can't really be relied upon to attend meetings or events. Me and the few I play with are very much inline with the collations goals and codes of conduct and would love to at least to have a chance to interact with the various groups involved ether through trading or various other forms of support. I assume there are servers that the coalition operates on and I'm having a difficult time trying to find which ones they are. If some one would be so kind as to pm me with any of the current coalition servers that would be awesome.

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Hey guys. Let me first say that I absolutely love this idea. I looked into joining some of the member organizations but due to my work schedule I can't really be relied upon to attend meetings or events. Me and the few I play with are very much inline with the collations goals and codes of conduct and would love to at least to have a chance to interact with the various groups involved ether through trading or various other forms of support. I assume there are servers that the coalition operates on and I'm having a difficult time trying to find which ones they are. If some one would be so kind as to pm me with any of the current coalition servers that would be awesome.

You aren't required to attend meetings or events for some of these clans. What I like about the Trusted Medics is that you work on your own schedule. Whenever you feel like it, you can help people out. For some people as soon as they get on they are looking for a mission. Sometimes I do that but sometimes I feel like looting the airport first, or maybe I want to go repair a vehicle; there's nobody telling you when you have to be a medic.

I can't say this for all the clans of the Coalition but I can assure you that if you are a survivor, there is or will be a clan that suits you.

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Open message to The Coalition.

I represent the free press of Coalition.

I would like to attend the next Coalition event, or the securing of a safe zone, to record the moment for future generations to view.

If the leadership are interested please contact me via PM. Thank you for the good work you do and for trying to turn DayZ into more than just Deathmatch Cherno.

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i dont know it only takes one man to start chaos and during that time other bandits could snipe the hell out of your men.

What makes you think the Coalition won't have a sniper or five looking over them from a distance? ;)

I definately wanna join this.. I've been playing alone and right now the bandit situation has looked so bad I haven't had the balls to approach any players, I've just circled around them. But definately looking for more interaction with players than firefights...

So at least I'm willing to help, even though I'm not in a group/clan etc...

Edit: Read the whole thread and not a single server or anything is mentioned... I mean... sure, ofcourse you won't post the main server here to avoid bandit raids or so, but at least let us know a few where some of you good guys might be... I mean, I'm a loner who'd like a bit less "shoot on sight" action as it's getting pretty boring to just loot and avoid people.

So ... where do we get these new experiences at?

And I'd really like some objectives for my DayZ - so it'd be even nice to continue doing what I do now (lone wolf, looting, surviving) but with a POINT of like.. dunno, collecting supplies for medics or whatever that gives me a "mission" :) As I'm having hard time trying to come up with things to do and it's just alot of running...

So yeah... where are the public playgrounds where friendliness is more encouraged? :) (That should boost up your "marketing" too.. hehe :))

Edited by sarcasm83

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