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Dr Wasteland MD

The Coalition - Changing the Culture of DayZ

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Lets see...

Using subtle terms such as: Society, Military, Police, oversee, and Trade? That kind of sounds like the start of a governing body to me!

Socialist pricks, you care bears would try something like this.

No government here. Just a few groups working together. Also, socialist......really? Come on, is it really that bad for bandits that they feel the need to come in here and start spouting off about economic systems that don't really apply here. I also don't particularly see an issue with caring about other players, how does that detract from the game. You have asshole and you have nice guys, thats how things are. I happen to like the fact that we can help people, rather than piss them off...

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Well, at the moment, nothing is really going on with the Coalition. Once I get back home, I am really going to try and push to see if we can all get one server going where we have Chernogorsk secured as our home town.

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Well, at the moment, nothing is really going on with the Coalition. Once I get back home, I am really going to try and push to see if we can all get one server going where we have Chernogorsk secured as our home town.

Agreed, we need to do something before people lose interest.

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We're focusing on bringing in new organizations into The Coalition right now. After Sunday's Security Council meeting, we will have a better idea of how to move forward.

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Lets see...

Using subtle terms such as: Society, Military, Police, oversee, and Trade? That kind of sounds like the start of a governing body to me!

Socialist pricks, you care bears would try something like this.

You may be an animal but we are people.

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I like the idea of the coalition seeing that it represents so many groups. I would like to find one that would work well but I just don't know who to talk through first. To bad there was'nt a page to post a general apps for the recruiters to look at. Well I like what you guys are trying to do I will look at all four main groups, but I am always looking to help a group and be usefull.

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I like the idea of the coalition seeing that it represents so many groups. I would like to find one that would work well but I just don't know who to talk through first. To bad there was'nt a page to post a general apps for the recruiters to look at. Well I like what you guys are trying to do I will look at all four main groups, but I am always looking to help a group and be usefull.

You can go to each group's forum/website link on the first page and it should be fairly obvious how to apply. You just need to find one that works for you. For instance, if you like to heal people, or be a bodyguard and protect medics, you can join the Trusted Medics of the Wasteland. Click on the forum link and on the first page there will be an explanation of how to join.

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You'll always have some asshole trying to introduce some form of Government.

I might have to buy Arma, talk a few buddies into buying, and dismantle this Coalition crap.

Hey Coalition, FUCK YOU! :)

I literally lol'd at this. HUNDREDS of bandits and hackers have been trying to dismantle these groups since day one, and this guy is like "lol me n a couple pals gonna git you! hurrrrrrp"

Like... seriously?

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Fort Haven is extremely proud to be accepted into the Coalition as a probationary member.

The Coalition shares many of Fort Havens goals and ideals and we're looking forward to a long and rewarding relationship.

Thanks for having us guys and we can't wait to get to know you all better :)

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You can go to each group's forum/website link on the first page and it should be fairly obvious how to apply. You just need to find one that works for you. For instance, if you like to heal people, or be a bodyguard and protect medics, you can join the Trusted Medics of the Wasteland. Click on the forum link and on the first page there will be an explanation of how to join.

Thanks I did want to be my groups medics maybe I will look at Medics of the Wastelands.

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No government here. Just a few groups working together. Also, socialist......really? Come on,

Bullshit, who are you trying to fool? You have socialist written all over your ugly virtual face.

Oooh, everyone look at me!! My name is Johnny 'Carebear' Coalition. I want put roses in my hair, hold hands, and sit around a campfire singing kum-ba-fucking-ya.


You disgust me, if I met you (in game of course lol,) I would slap the girl out of you. I would take a dump and wipe my ass with your 'coalition' flag too.


If you actually took the time to read my initial post, which consists of two or three lines, you would see that I don't even play the game (as of yet.) Therefore, I'm not a bandit. However, because you girls are pissing me off to no end with this caring and loving crap; I might just start, so I can make your already miserable in-game lives a living hell. :)

I literally lol'd at this. HUNDREDS of bandits and hackers have been trying to dismantle these groups since day one, and this guy is like "lol me n a couple pals gonna git you! hurrrrrrp"

Like... seriously?

" Like, seriously? "

Wow, I hope you're a girl behind the keyboard, because you sound even more like a bitch. I bet you want Rocket to add a /cuddle and /hot chocolate feature; so at night, you and your band of chumps can get cozy in a tent. While we're at it, lets change the can of beans to fucking marshmallows and graham crackers too.

It's no wonder you care bears need to form such alliances, because beneath the hat and trousers, lie training bras and diapers.

Edited by Heaves

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Heaves, the way you speak and conduct yourself, constantly insinuating that the OP and the others are "care bears" and extremely feminine, strongly suggests to me that you have some hidden insecurities yourself. Do you want to talk about them, perhaps?

Also, why do you insist on hurting people on the forums if you don't even play the game? Maybe try to experience it a bit first hand before so strongly placing your opinion.

Finally, if you are just a troll, then 5/10 - very see-through and pretty rubbish tbh.

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Heaves, the way you speak and conduct yourself, constantly insinuating that the OP and the others are "care bears" and extremely feminine, strongly suggests to me that you have some hidden insecurities yourself. Do you want to talk about them, perhaps?

If I did have insecurities, I damn sure wouldn't want to dicuss them with anyone in this thread. You might try an make me play with your coalition tea cup set or something.

Also, why do you insist on hurting people on the forums if you don't even play the game?

I had a hope of respect for you, the beginning of your post had man written all over it. I was going to invite you to Cherno for some beers, but you just shattered it, you would embarrass me and order a Smirnoff Ice. You're just another c-bear hell bent on feelings, sharing, and caring.... Hey, is your in-game name: Tolgrim? Can I add you to my friends hit list?

Finally, if you are just a troll, then 5/10 - very see-through and pretty rubbish tbh.

(Out of character for a second.)

Ugh, is this what the internet is coming to? Let's all play the troll card and use a rating system; as if you were some type of popular internet critic. Please, feel free to get over yourself any day now.

My intentions are legitamate: I'm shit-talking in terms of the game. You are free to play, how you want, so I'm not breaking any rules or moral codes. I'm no savior, nor am I a bandit. Call me neutral, with a vendetta against your so-called coalition.

Edited by Heaves

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Hey still, could you make our good friend heaven here on of them obsessed with ... awards? I think he deserves it already.

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Hey still, could you make our good friend heaven here on of them obsessed with ... awards? I think he deserves it already.

The name is HEAVES, H-E-A-V-E-S.

I want to make sure that my name is spelled right on my new award. :)

Edited by Heaves

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Don't worry Heaven, you're next on the list for our daily douchebag award!

Edited by .Trooper.

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Oh, I'm really upset.... You called me heaven... Let me go outside and round-kick a cow in the face.

I'm renaming your communist regime to: The Coalition of Gummy Bears.

P.S. - When you guys are actually formed, let me know... I'll pick the game up on Steam and gladly end the Dayz of your Livez. :)

Edited by Heaves
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Mr Heaves, I should think you might get the game before you start opening your pie hole and letting shit spew out.

Cheers Bro

When we turn into commies, I'll be sure to send you to the gulag first.

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I'm starting to think that people (read: detractors) are missing the point.

We (read: The Coalition) are not trying to force behaviour on citizens, we're trying to protect them from outlaws.

We aren't trying to ruin the fun of bandits (not much anyway) we're simply looking to provide a safe haven for those who don't want to play the same game that the pvp types do.

We aren't expecting everybody to follow our guidelines or to jump when we say jump, we just want to provide an opportunity for players to have the choice when they log into DayZ.

I'm not saying pvp is bad or even that it's not wanted, what I am saying is that people should have a choice.

Sometimes, I log into a server and I'm perfectly fine with shooting and/or being shot on sight.. but other times, I just want to be able to role-play and not have to worry about some moron shooting me because he just wants to increase his kill-count..

It would be nice if we could have different game-types so that we could separate people who just want the chance to enjoy the game from those who just want a death-match with zombies, but that goes against the very aspect of DayZ that we are all in love with.

I'm perfectly willing to admit that the constant threat of death is one of the many things that make this mod so unique.

I'm also willing to admit that changing it with in-game mechanics is definitely not the way to go.

This is why we, the players that are able to do so, are willing to help make Chernarus just a little bit safer for the players who genuinely want to be allowed to enjoy the game in relative safety.

Bandits and even straight up psychopaths are a necessary evil in DayZ, I will be the first to admit this,

but a little bit of civility is just as necessary as you are.. if there is evil, then there must be good, or there is no balance.

Edited by Cyanyde
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Mr Heaves, I should think you might get the game before you start opening your pie hole and letting shit spew out.

Cheers Bro

When we turn into commies, I'll be sure to send you to the gulag first.

I was of the understanding that his name was Heaven. Just saying.

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They ALL will be defeated and WE bandits shall rule Day-Z FOREVER!!!


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Fort Haven will be hosting an out of game meeting tomorrow (29/08/12) on our mumble server to discuss some in-clan topics as well as some topics related to the Coalition. We'd hereby like to formally invite any Coalition members who wish to attend to do so. The event will run for approximately one hour from 8.45pm - 9.45pm GMT+1 (2.45pm - 3.45pm CDT) and the details can be found here (You need to be registered to see the page).

To join our mumble server simply click 'Join Server' under the mumble monitor on the homepage. The mumble details can also be found in an announcement thread on our forums.

Hope to see some of you there :)

All the best,


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Cheers Bro

When we turn into commies, I'll be sure to send you to the gulag first.

Haha, you sir just made my day! :)

Mr Heaves, I should think you might get the game before you start opening your pie hole and letting shit spew out.

Actually, I think I'm going to wait until your Coalition of Fruit Snacks are formed, and then I'll get the game.

Edited by Heaves

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