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Looking for 1-2 more mates

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We re looking for 1 or 2 more players for our little team. My mate and me are from Germany and both of us are students who re playin dayZ during the afternoon/night.

You should be over 18 years old, have a normal life and not be anoying as hell. Also its important that you ve good patience, because we re pretty often sniping in dangerous areas. We are perfectly equiped with L85 AWS Thermal / AS50 / DMR / NVG's / Rangerfinders / Ghillie Suits & not scared to die. We have some vehicles on our server that we use to put in our stuff tho. Our "Warehouse" is strong enough to arm 4-5 men :D

So if you re a survivor, we don't need you. You have to be a killer with balls :thumbsup:

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