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A crossbow quiver that goes into your secondary weapon slot. And maybe a compound bow too with convertible bolts to arrows sort of like the .45 ACP and the M1911.

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Rocket has allready said that he is ethier making this or looking into making one for the standalone game do some research before u post stuff

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Rocket said he is thinking about putting it in the standalone.

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I'm ok with Xbow in main hand but yea, the 1 bolt per inventory slot is bad as well as ironsights on that thing.

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Thanks MOTOCROSS :) I didn't think of the pile of wood because a bolt is metal you could salvage the head and maybe the feathers (maybe if he adds birds you could collect feathers) and extend the shaft because a bolts shorter..... :)

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Maybe a quiver instead of a backpack and increase the power, decrease the reload time and add a scope to the crossbow to make It worth it.

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This has been suggested before and I'm all for it. I've used the crossbow a few times before and it is good, but when you're a new player then you're going to be out of from it. I'd like something like this to be implemented, but it would probably not be implemented until standalone.

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