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Wind factors now active while sniping?

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Everyone knows that Arma 2 is a heavily realist military simulator, however wind didn't entirely factor in during the original title, it took a mod, of which name I do not recall, that totally revamped sniping physics in Arma 2.

Originally, Sniping you would have to account for distance, target movement speed, and the velocity of the caliber of bullet fired. And that was it. Sniping was mad easy.

But as of, I have noticed that wind is DEFINITELY a factor now. I could fire on a target and over 500+ meters easily originally and now I have noticed my bullets tracking to the left, right, higher, and even lower than expected bullet drop.

Has anyone else noticed this? Because I have not witnessed wind factors before this patch.

Edited by Jerald_B

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Far as I know, wind (judging from the direction clouds move) goes only in one direction in DayZ, so I doubt this is possible.

You sure your aim isn't off?

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I'm positive. It's definitely moving. I don't know what is up. I'll try again tonight and see if I can duplicate the results in fraps.

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I have noticed no wind effects w/o using the ACE mod in ArmA. I'm all for realistic ballistics becoming a thing in DayZ, but it would be kind of ignorant to add wind w/o a way to measure it.

Server desync/lag can do screwey things, perhaps it was that?

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